
The fan is one of the most vital parts of the vacuum's functionality. Should the fan chip or break, the vacuum will not be able to perform to full capabilities. This guide will help you access the fan to replace.

  1. JIxNvo1PeWXevBWO
    • Locate the orange panel at the top of the vacuum.

    • Remove the orange panel by pressing down on the button below the panel.

    • Pinch and pull away the engine filter to expose the inner chamber.

  2. a4TnGO6wZDZIPpFr
    • Place the vacuum on the ground with the filter side away you.

    • Use a Phillips #2 screwdriver to remove the four screws on the gray panel.

    can’t find any parts for HV301 any place ??? can’t find a roller brush replacement??

    Mark VanDeusen -

  3. 5SfAMfCRyVeuoTRC
    • Place the vacuum on its side and locate the orange clips that say "Rocket" on each side of the vacuum.

    • Remove the orange clips on each side by pulling them off their hinges.

  4. HnfqV24aiVpgXCP1
    • Removing the gray panel reveals the wiring to the fan and motor, be careful not to pull to hard on the wires to break or disrupted them.

    • Remove the top half of the gray panel to reveal the light gray fan compartment.

  5. oDNeQoOdkr2r6PUA
    • Locate two screws above the fan compartment and remove the screws with a Phillips #2 screwdriver.

    • Remove the fan compartment by carefully pulling it away from the bottom half of the gray panel.

    • Do not pull out or remove any wires.

    Impossible to remove

    Michelle -

    The author neglects to advise that this piece needs to be plied out, You are left to guess as to how to best do this. The plastic is very soft and pliable. The piece seems to be lodged in place by its shape. I am currently stuck at this point. Looking for another website to work around this point.

    anon imus -

    There are 2 more screws holding unit on the bottom. Must remove the handle assembly to access. There is a tab under the on/off switch. Remove to access the first screw. Follow around for other screws. My motor was burned out. No luck finding a replacement. This site is probably intended that you break the unit, and purchase new.

    anon imus -

    Instructions are incorrect. Motor cannot be removed without removing the hand assembly to access two more screws. More trouble than this is worth to me - throwing mine out.

    First -

    I also found that the handle need to be removed at least part way. Two more screws hold the motor assembly in place and they can’t be seen with the handle in place. The top piece where the filter goes needs to come off. There is a hidden screw under the switch, so move the switch to II to seen the screw cover first. I used a tiny flat head screwdriver to pop the cover off.

    Scott Aumann -

    Then remove the light there's a screw underneath the light remove the four screws inside there's two around the spring we should be able to pry the handle up and get two more on the light gray light gray housing it comes right out

    Meester Silva -

  7. RiXRg2YXe6BmrQRu
    • Pull the fan out of the compartment by pulling gently on the metal ring.

  8. eJBBAhb6YtkAbv4m
    • Locate the two long screws holding the fan together and remove the screws with a Phillips #2 screwdriver.

    • Remove the rubber ring from the top of the fan compartment.

  10. Hpuax1jPYEpP2tWF
    • Remove the fan from the plate once the screws are removed by pulling gently.

    • The fan can be removed from the motor by unscrewing the bolt using a socket wrench. The bolt is inside the fan.

  11. mHSbV5P3YEnGtxir
    • 4 screws(top 2 bottom 2) to hold the motor/fan assembly

    • In order to reach the bottom two, you need to remove 2 major parts: 1. switch and lid covers the filter; 2. dust container

  12. hZ4kUepp4OdTTlYN
    • 5 screws to remove the switch and lid that covers the foam filter

  13. RUQApOOecQwcRNUA
    • Dust container, 5 screws. One under a foam sticker, peel the sticker to reach the screw.

    • The last photo is a highlight of the one under the foam sticker.

  14. kLSwiPW2UO4deuvY
    • Additional images for the one screw under the switch.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Mitglied seit: 06/10/16

406 Reputation

7 Kommentare

I can’t get the fan compartment off of the vacuum. It looks like there are two hidden screws at the bottom of it when I look inside the vacuum. How do you get those additional screws off so I can remove the compartment?

Krissy Owens -

I agree with the @Krissy Owens. I made it as far as Step 5, however, there is no way to remove the ‘fan compartment’ using the method described and illustrated above. I have given up for now until I have time to explore on my own.

Darcy Patterson -

There are actually 4 screws on the fan compartment, as shown by the 4 screw holes on the compartment visible in the second photo of step 7. These two extra screws are located behind the handle, and require quite a bit more work. Remove the 4 screws underneath the top dust filter and cap, then remove the hidden screw under the power button by sliding the power button to on, and then removing the small clip underneath followed by the screw below. This will allow you to access the top of the dust cup, where there are 6 more screws to be removed before you can lift the handle. Finally once you can lift the handle, you can access the two remaining screws on the fan compartment.

Michael -

Holy $@$*. So I just managed to get the fan out and yea basically follow the above comments and every screw you see. Remove it. I wish I could provide pics to show all of them but there literally every where and I’m pretty sure the only reason I managed to pull this off was because my bf has a kobalt tool kit that comes with everything. So don’t attempt this if you don’t have a variety of tools because I was having to use precision flatheads on some due to the screws not being shaped perfectly.

Kathleen John -

I was intended to clean the motor contacts, this is the most relevant info I can find. However, as the first 2 posts mentioned, there is no way to open it only by following the info in the original doc.

I managed to open the motor by following what Michael said. The steps in the original doc is not even half way.

There are 4 screws in total to hold the motor/fan part. To reach the bottom 2, there are about 10 additional screws to remove, 2 of them are hidden, 1 under the switch(you need to pry off a cover piece), the other a foam sticker and need to peel that foam first. I took some photos but don’t know how can I post them.

Tool wise, they are not Philips, they are T10 and T15, and with a center hole in them, plus, there are certain screws(2) are deep in holes and you have to have a thin extension stick to reach. == > Don’t bother if you don’t have them.

I was trying to fix the motor that sparks too much, however can get rotor part out of the housing, the fix wasn’t a success. Anyways,

Ying Chen -

Forgot to mention, putting things back there is also a trick, the grey panel ( shown at step 4), the tip has to go into a notch(not sure I should call it a notch, basically 2 very close pieces sticking out to hold something in between) on the dust container. You can’t put them back at the very end, or you can’t get into the notch.

So, you have to do this step before you screw on the screws for dust container, so you have a little wiggle room to get into the notch.

Ying Chen -

Just added some steps (step 11 thru 14) and images, they will come out once verified.

Hope they help.

Ying Chen -