How to replace the thermal paste into your laptop.
Turn the laptop upside down so that the top is sitting on a flat surface.
If you are looking at the bottom of the laptop the battery is located on the front right side of the laptop; the opposite side from the floppy disk drive.
As shown by the arrow, slide the plastic cover up and then pull out and downwards.
You should now be able to pull the battery out.
Remove the four 16 mm screws bordering the edge of the laptop using a Phillips #0 screwdriver.
Remove the 4mm screw on the right rear side of the laptop next to the audio ports using a Phillips #0 screwdriver.
Slide the blue speaker grille (located above the keyboard) to the right and gently pull upward. The grille will still be connected by a white electrical strip.
Carefully pull out the white electrical strip. By doing this you will remove the speaker grille.
Remove the 4mm screw in the center using a Phillips screwdriver.
Carefully and slowly pull the green strip straight up (away from the laptop) to disconnect it. Make sure not to pull too hard to avoid breaking.
The keyboard can now be removed.
Remove the two 4mm Phillips screws in the center of the computer located on each side of the copper electrical strip.
Remove the four 4mm Phillips screws around the hard drive cage.
Lift hard drive cage straight up.
Carefully disconnect the copper strip to pull out the hard drive.
With the hard drive removed, unscrew the four 6mm brass colored, Phillips screws under the hard drive cage
This will allow you to remove the hard drive mounting bracket
Remove the two 4mm black Phillips screws shown here.
Remove the 18mm silver Phillips screw shown here.
Now remove the silver tab.
Carefully pull up and out on the metal heat sink and fan bracket.
You should be able to see the thermal paste.
To remove thermal paste thoroughly, put isopropyl alcohol (70% or greater) on a paper towel and wipe thermal paste off. Some force may be required.
Apply new thermal paste to CPU.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.