Einige der frühen linken Joy-Con Kontroller sind bekannt dafür, dass sie Synchronisationsprobleme haben. Dies ist ein kleiner Konstruktionsfehler, der leicht mit einem kleinen Stückchen Schaumstoff behoben werden kann. Du kannst den nötigen Schaumstoff z.B. aus alten Verpackungen herausschneiden.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Where can i find conductive foam? I don’t understand “can often be found in old packaging around the house”. What kind of packaging?
Vishvan Bhairosingh -
Hey Vishvan! A lot of electronics are packaged with conductive foam, so there’s a good chance you might have some around the house if you are the kind of person who keeps boxes from electronics you have purchased in the past. You can test any foam you find with a capacitive touchscreen (like the one on your Nintendo Switch)—if the foam registers as a touch on the screen, it is conductive.
It’s nice if you can recycle some from old packaging, because it can be tricky to find online in small quantities. It generally comes in (relatively) big blocks or sheets and you only need a tiny piece.
If you cant find any around the house, eBay is a good place to start looking!
Taylor Dixon -
What thickness of conductive foam should I choose? There are 3 sizes: 3mm/0.12, 5mm/0.20", 10mm/0.39"
maximaleks -
The space is ~9 mm wide, so I would go with the 10 mm size and you can trim it down if you need to!
Taylor Dixon -
I've got the same problem but with the right joycon but I don't know where the wireless card is, please help
Nathan Currie -