There are many repair guides of HTC 10 online and some of them show the wrong ways to remove HTC 10.
You can't open the screen with a card or a knife. This video shows you 6 wrong ways of opening the LCD and one right way to open the screen.
1. It is not possible to open HTC 10 lcd with spudger, knife, card;
2. We opened it under the help of suction cup;
3. The screen edges of HTC 10 cools down very quickly because of the metal back housing, so we should heat up the edges for several time and each time heat up for a quite long time.
is there any tutorial for separating the digitizer from screen?
My screen is fine but the digitizer is broken.
Thanks for your help
Mahdi Mohammadi -
What is your point showing us a card doesn't work..yet it is a useful tool in the end. Why don't you save us all some viewing time and show video showing just how to remove the screen?
Drew DeGraff -
Took me 30 seconds to open with a heat plate and Exacto 17.
Max Dailey -
What temp and time did you use? face up or down?
David Fear -