In order to replace jammed or broken buttons you will need a PH00 screwdriver and a metal spudger.
Slide the battery compartment door lock down.
While still holding the battery compartment lock down, slide the two battery doors outwards on either side of the device.
Carefully remove the batteries from the battery compartment.
Using a nylon or metal spudger, remove the three caps that hide the screws.
Remove the 5mm screw near the bottom and the two 7.6mm at the top using a PH00 screwdriver.
Carefully separate the back panel from the front panel revealing the motherboard connected to the front panel.
Remove the four 7.6 mm screws using a PH00 screwdriver.
Lift the circuit board up to give yourself room to remove the buttons.
Using a nylon or metal spudger, lift up the buttons to remove them from their holding. they should just pop out of place.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.