
    • Die seitlichen Abdeckungen können mit einem geeigneten Hebelwerkzeug entfernt werden.

    • Du brauchst die Gummiabdeckung nicht entfernen. Bei dem Kontroller auf den Fotos war sie schon ab.

  2. 1opju56P6EkrT4sb
    • Entferne die fünf Torx Sicherheitschraube (TR8).

    all the T8 screws on my controller have a clear filling in them, WTF?!?!?

    Patrick Henry -

    all my T8 screws have a clear filling in them, WTF?!?!?!

    Patrick Henry -

    I've never seen that, I can't advise much other than scrapping it out with an xacto knife

    EasyAsABC123 -

    My screws have a tiny metal pin in the center. Looks like I need a TR8 bit, not a T8. This might be what you are mistaking for a clear filling.

    Steve McGinn -

    Thanks it might be TR8 i’ll update the guide

    EasyAsABC123 -

    While a TR8 will work, they’re actually TR9 screws on mine (Model 1698, X912908-004).

    Daniel -

    @isbelldl thanks, updated to specify TR9

    EasyAsABC123 -

    TORX TR8 worked form the ifixit kit


    My anolog stick is lagging on my elite 1 controller. Can I remove a anolog module from a normal xbox 1 controller and then put into the elite 1 controller would it be compatible. I have all the soldering irons and stuff. It's only that I dont have any money and wanted to no if thay would work . Thanks guy appreciate your time kris

    kriswadd@hotmail.com -

  3. 1LhEeI3qiQhNkbHj
    • Heble die Rückabdeckung in der Nähe der 3,5 mm Buchse auf.

    • Arbeite vorsichtig und zerreiße nicht die Flachbandkabel, die im nächsten Schritt zu sehen sind.

    • Zerreiße nicht die Flachbandkabel!

    • Du kannst den Stecker abziehen, dann geht das Flachbandkabel leichter ab.

    • Das Flachbandkabel.

    My connector did not look like this and popping it up broke it

    Amarokstar -

    please post a picture of the connector so we can update this, you also might have a newer revision of the motherboard

    EasyAsABC123 -

    Is there any way to replace that connector bar or maybe an alternative to keeping the contacts down on the ribbon if it’s broken?

    Joe -

    @joe you can try tape, or even hot glue (easy to remove with rubbing alcohol), that might hold it down. I wasn’t able to find the connector but i’m sure if you count the number of pins and measure it you’d be able to locate a replacement connector on something like mouser.

    EasyAsABC123 -

  5. xYndZmGjfDV2tAWL
    • Entferne die beiden Torx T6 Schrauben.

  6. o3HhKPLSRfiY6UWQ
    • Löte vier Drähte an jeder Seite ab, sie verbinden die Vibrationsmotoren und die RT LT Tasten.

    If you are just replacing the main power board there is no need to desolder at this point. The main power board can be removed with the controller board still in place.

    Malc Foy -

  7. RsDGGXPEn1T4VlXm
    • Ziehe die Hauptplatine von oben her hoch.


    I would like to know if I could get from you a Motherboard . In case you don' t have it, where could I find one?

    Thank you

    Alejandro Expósito -

    Hi, I have 2 not working controllers (both 1698 and 1708). The 1708 broke the bumper switch, I manage to fix it but as always, postponed. So, can I either swap Xbox One Elite comtroller (1698) into Xbox One (1708) shell/housing or vice versa??

    Or can I mix both motherboard together so I can make one of them working?

    Fitifazrul Rahman -

    It might work…it might damage one of the boards but probably wouldn’t

    EasyAsABC123 -

    I would like to buy a motherboard, can you please stock some up?

    davi_t -

    I don’t work for ifixit, I don’t know if they see comments on a private made guide.

    EasyAsABC123 -

    I decided to toss all this stuff in the trash at this point as I am not going to spend +$50 on equipment and replacement parts to fix a $60 controller. But thanks for the educational manual all the same.


  8. 6YeZJ6NT1ecoGBFH
    • Verliere nicht die Sync Taste!

    • Heble den mittleren Abschnitt von der Home Button Seite her hoch.

    • Dadurch werden auch die LB und RB Tasten entfernt, da sie aus einem einzigen Teil bestehen.

  9. HyeZticLYMGSxuBX
    • Drehe die sechs Torx T6 Schrauben heraus.

    On the 2nd picture: the D-pad dome switches are covered by a clear plastic film: is possible to remove it/reattach that plastic film? I believe there might be something stuck underneath the dome switches that’s interfering with the d-pad buttons working reliably/consistently. I know I could just replace the daughterboard, but I’m trying to avoid doing that if I can just clean it some how/find a way around it

    [deleted] -

    This is just tacom tape :), feel free to buy more and replace

    EasyAsABC123 -

    Hi anyone know of where to find that rubber thing that goes on lb/rb trigger?

    kostas kazlauskas -

    rubber thing? You mean the lb and rb part itself? or the home button section?

    EasyAsABC123 -

    The lb/rb white rubber behind the button supoort rubber i dont know how its called

    kostas kazlauskas -


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