
Internal Prerequisite.

  1. 4mkNRRdIsu6vNZXC
    • Disconnect the SATA data and power cables by pulling their connectors away from the hard drive.

  2. DXgcjws6YBPb5Kut
    • Disconnect the hard drive thermal sensor cable from the thermal sensor attached to the side of the hard drive.

    Since you're going to transfer this to the new drive, I found it easier to disconnect the other end of the temp sensor cable, on the edge of the mobo.

    maccentric -

    Agree 100% with maccentric. Disconnecting the other end of the temp sensor cable is a much easier way to go on this step.

    phil -

  3. PNpmLMqN4SWB5EwT
    • Compress the plastic hard drive retainer by pushing it toward the bottom edge of the iMac.

    • Pull the top edge of the hard drive slightly away from the rear case.

    I found it easier to take out the two torq screws on the plastic holder, in stead of compressing it.

    eriktar -

    • Lift the hard drive off its bottom retaining posts and remove it from the iMac.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Andrew Bookholt

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