
Ersetze die gebogene Glasscheibe, um deinen iPod wie neu aussehen zu lassen.

  1. tqsQP4hmm1ViTtsW
    • Setze ein iPod Öffnungswerkzeug zwischen dem äußerem Gehäuse und der oberen Blende an.

    • Heble das iPod Öffnungswerkzeug an, und entferne sachte die obere Blende.

    • Die Blende ist mit Kleber befestigt und es kann etwas Kraft benötigen um den Kleber zu lösen.

  2. OKnHRbj3gTQE3qTr
    • Benutze das iPod Öffnungswerkzeug, um den Hold Schalter von der Platte zu entfernen.

  3. CmYxxu342QlfWCWN
    • Entferne die beiden 3,2mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben.

    • Diese Schrauben sind zum äußeren Gehäuse gewinkelt und sehr klein. Benutze einen kleinen Schraubendreher, und sei vorsichtig, die Schrauben nicht zu beschädigen.

    • Führe ein Öffnungswerkzeug zwischen dem äußeren Gehäuse und der metallenen Platte ein.

    • Heble leicht am Werkzeug und ziehe die Platte aus dem iPod.

    • Die Platte ist immer noch mit dem iPod durch ein sehr empfindliches Flachbandkabel verbunden. Pass auf, dass du es nicht zerreißt.

    My ribbon broke.

    I see that on the pictures further down, you removed the covering plate, which I would suggest to do, as it'll put less weight on the ribbon.

    Luckily, we can find spare ones. In fact it doesn't sell alone, it's with the earphones jack.

    Michel Raj -

    could you elaborate more as to how did you remedy the broken ribbon?

    michael deaner -

    is the broken ribbon fixable?

    michael deaner -

    is the broken ribbon fixable?

    michael deaner -

    I am new to this my ribbon broke when I was taking out the battery  doesn't  the new battery ribbon connect to the one connected to the end switch, by that I mean can I connect the new battery ribbon to the end switch ribbon?,where it broke?

    michael deaner -

  5. eqSOH2HFnInuMkBW
    • Die Glasscheibe ist mit Kleber an allen vier Seiten befestigt. Arbeite sehr vorsichtig in den nächsten Schritten, um das Glas nicht zu beschädigen.

    • Führe ein Öffnungswerkzeug zwischen dem Display und der Glasscheibe oben am Gerät ein.

    • Drehe das Werkzeug zur Rückseite des iPods und hebe die obere Seite des Glases leicht heraus.

    • Das Glas wird sich nicht viel heben. Versuche nicht, die Glasscheibe komplett zu entfernen, oder du beschädigst das Display

    I would recommend using a heat gun.

    raul mald -

    At this point, I find it helps to separate the lock switch from the top metal casting. You then have just the switch dangling on the fragile ribbon cable. Much less likely to snag or break the ribbon. Just loosen (Don't remove completely) the two Phillips screws. The heavy clunky casting bit can be removed.

    Pete Green -

    You can remove this lens with virtually zero risk to the LCD underneath:

    Get a couple guitar picks or spudgers ready, and another old spudger. Using a hot glue gun, glue the old spudger into the very middle of the lens. Let the glue cool completely.

    Using a heat gun pointing up from the bottom, heat the 3 edges of the shell around the top and sides of the lens. Avoid getting heat on the lens or hot glue as it will soften.

    Using the spudger as a handle, pull up on the lens to get the top edge started and get your guitar picks/spudgers under the sides at the top of the lens.

    Complete removal as above.

    Using a spudger/guitar pick, start to peel an edge of the hot glue loose to remove old spudger from lens; then clean any residue with alcohol.

    Paul K -

    “couple of” guitar picks

    kenneth keen -

    After destroying one iPod, I learned from my mistakes. Heating it with a hair dryer to loosen the adhesive helped a lot. You need to get the tool between the glass and the lcd display; be very careful not to put pressure on the display!

    Cheryl Berk -

  6. x6BAkUS4cuUPfOUV
    • Während du mit dem ersten Werkzeug die Scheibe anhebst, führe ein zweites Werkzeug zwischen dem Gehäuse und der oberen linken Seite der Glasscheibe ein.

    • Entferne das erste Werkzeug vom iPod.

    The iPod I repared had a cracked screen. Caution here because it doesn't pop out that easily. I had to apply some force on the plastic opening tool while using another tool to take out the shards (who are glued to the side).

    matthiasvercaemst -

    Mujhe sirf LCD chahiye bhai

    Azam -

    Bhai, ye admi angrezi hai. Os ko Urdu samaj nahi ata hai.

    ian h -

    90% guaranteed you will destroy the LCD in this step. You just dont know how much for to use and if you stress the LCD too much, even with a plastic tool it will be damaged.That’s why ifixit sells those too. My advice is to first completely follow this guide, and if successful, and only then , start ordering parts.

    Omar van Hees -

    Since the display is probably 99 percent broken, I decided to use a different method. I heat the ipod on my 3-printer heating bed to around 70 degrees Celsius, then I take a suction cup and pull on the display glass. When the glue is warm enough, the glass rises and you can carefully detach the glass with an opening pick. the display remains completely intact greeting Andre

    Andre Marten -

  7. M5KQmrRiYOqHZnoW
    • Heble leicht am verbleibenden Werkzeug und führe ein zweites Werkzeug zwischen dem Glas und der rechten Seite des Displays ein.

    • Schiebe das zweite Werkzeug an der rechten Seite entlang, um den Kleber zu entfernen.

  8. Xs1HlfTMS6KPomnq
    • Mit einem Werkzeug zwischen dem Glas und dem Gehäuse, führe ein zweites Werkzeug an der rechten Seite ein.

    • Schiebe das linke Werkzeug nach unten, um den Kleber zu entfernen.

    • Hebe das Glas von der oberen Seite an und entferne es vom iPod.

    It might be a good idea to remove all the adhesive from the screen before trying to slide the internals out. I had a nightmare trying to get mine out, ended up cutting my thumb and finger from holding onto the edges of the screen too tight trying to wiggle it out. And then to top it off, I broke the hold switch ribbon cable too. I don’t know how much the screen glue vs the battery glue was responsible for making it difficult to remove. Also when sliding it out, be careful the lip on the lower edge of the button hole doesn’t snag on the thin steel frame around the screen.

    edorp -

    Is it really needed to remove the glas? Can‘t you just slide out the logic board when glas remains?

    Michael Westermeier -


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

Matthew Newsom

Mitglied seit: 06/01/10

38178 Reputation

6 Kommentare

If the glass is cracked, you may not have to remove the end of the ipod to pry out the glass. In my case, I was able to carefully (with out putting pressure on the screen below) get the glass out in pieces.

tony1 -

This step by step guide is perfect for replacing the glass! There is no need to remove the click-wheel or the camera bezel - as seen in may other videos and guides. So stay away from the click wheel if you can - it's just glued in (there is no snap!) and it's really hard to put back in place again. And yes, ideally you can remove the glass without opening anything. It is just glued in and the new one will go in from the top. Good Luck!

Stefan Georgi -

I gave my homie my 8 gig when i bought my 16 gig. his girl dropped it and the glass screen cracked. took me no more then 5 minutes and i had it as good as new! Whoop Whoop, danke fo the instructions!

steven -

Dear Steven, To me exactly the same happened, although I was the person who got the Ipod and dropped it. So I do understand how to get the glass out, but how do I put a new one in? Just insert it and put everything back on? Should I use glue when I put the screen in? Or will it just stay there on its own? Thanks!

myrthe569 -

this was great and super easy! thanks so much

solinvictusetc -

Worked well until the lock cable came off. Any way to fix the lock cable? Also the bezel took forever to get back into place.

Brian Garrison -