
Diese Anleitung zeigt dir, wie du den Gürtelclip austauschen kannst.

  1. 11FbyVfUZdAV1j6D
    • Es ist sehr schwer in das Innere des Shuffles der 4.Generation zu gelangen, weil die Rücksabdeckung sowohl mit der Vorderseite verklebt ist als auch mit Metallklammern gehalten wird. Es ist kaum zu erwarten, dass du die Rückabdeckung des Shuffles ohne Schäden öffnen kannst.

    • Schalte deinen Shuffle aus, bevor du fortfährst.

  2. nmhgjMNhTPmjkgfP
    • Benutze iPod Öffnungswerkzeuge und Metallspatel, um die Rückabdeckung vom Shuffle abzuhebeln. Fange an der Naht in der Nähe des ON/OFF-Schalters an.

    I managed to open mine using no tools at all so without damage. Maybe the glue also weakened over time so might need to use some heat. I didn’t but then again it’s a second hand, old device in my case.

    I used the clip on the back as a leverage to (ever so slightly) bend the back piece in the center. Having that bend is enough for the very small clips on the power switch side to detach. Once that side is removed you can slide the complete back out towards the direction of the power switch. I checked on a flat surface and the piece isn’t damaged, still straight. Just don’t keep it bend too long and don’t over bend it. It really shouldn’t take much since those notches are really small.

    To close it again just slide the back side in again and then snap the power switch side back in place by lightly pressing it on top. Since the clips aren’t damaged this way it will close up nicely. If the notches got damaged you’ll have to use glue instead (hot glue will do and is easily removable again).

    Ha ns -

    what do you mean by bend the back piece in the center?! How do you do that exactly? Did you stick something in between the back piece and the clip and press in?

    Jackson Chan -

    I completely agree with Ha ns' comment. I really cannot understand how the author managed to open this device as described. There must be something like a 0.1mm gap between the housing and the cover, impossible to enter a spudger or pry tool. Use a lever on the hinged side of the clip to lift the cover, insert a 0.2mm plastic film or a thin plectrum or spudger on the bent center of the cover. Avoid to push the spudger down, as there are electronic components underneath, only lift the cover, without overbending. Move over to the side of the on/off switch, and release the 3 clips. On the other end an 8mm long nose will avoid lifting off the cover. You will have to slide it out horizontally. Clearly: you have to be very very careful and gifted...

    cloclolulu -

  3. eAPkDt6GheQNokSX
    • Entferne die Rückabdeckung vom Shuffle.

    • Entferne die vier Kreuzschlitzschrauben, mit denen der Gürtelclip auf der Rückseite befestigt ist.

    • Vermeide es, die letzten beiden Schrauben zu verbiegen und drücke beim Entfernen der Schrauben den Gürtelclip gegen die Rückseite.

  5. nrkKUAkylG1H4NH4
    • Entferne den Gürtelclip von der Rückseite.

    • Drücke beim Einsetzen der Schrauben den Gürtelclip gegen die Rückseite, bis die Schrauben festgezogen sind.


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

Andrew Bookholt

578335 Reputation

3 Kommentare

I'm gonna try to remove the back cover with minimal prying to reduce cosmetic defects. The plan is to somehow remove the spring loaded clip by pushing out the lever pin, then drilling holes along the edge of the over wherre the 3 little hooks are (In this image, where the right thumb is touching. https://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/ig...).

It would be great if someone could provide a closer look at where exactly the hooks are so I can position my 1.5mm drill bit better. Also, if you can to figure out how to remove the spring loaded clip mechanism without going through the 4 screws, that'd be awesome! I suspect the pin is held in place by just adhesive, but don't want to risk pushing too hard and causing defects. :(

Sam Waiban -

Is it possible to just push the "pin" through to remove the clip? I want to paint my Ipod and want the clip removed to do so.

Inner Circle -

is it possible to remove the back cover by pulling the clip outside? i just want not to damage the back cover clips.

Muhammad Usman Lashari -