
Es werden einige allgemeine Werkzeuge verwendet, um an diesem Gerät zu arbeiten. Du wirst nicht jedes Werkzeug für jeden Vorgang benötigen.


For additional help, check out the Activision Guitar Hero Live Guitar Controller Troubleshooting

Background and Identification

The Activision Guitar Hero Live Guitar Controller was released on October 20th, 2015, and can be bought either bundled with the game or sold separately. This is the newest rendition in the Guitar Hero series, and has proven to be widely popular in the two years it has been released. This Guitar Controller bears resemblance to many of its predecessors, including the Guitar Controller from Guitar Hero 5, but also has a few distinctions:

  • There are now 6 fret keys, arranged in a two by three layout, this is the most significant difference.
  • The Whammy Bar is once again featured, but has a new style.
  • The Hero Power button has been styled differently, and the location of it has changed to right below the strum bar.

Additional Information