
Es werden einige allgemeine Werkzeuge verwendet, um an diesem Gerät zu arbeiten. Du wirst nicht jedes Werkzeug für jeden Vorgang benötigen.


If you are still have problems with your Fitbit Surge you can go to Fitbit Troubleshooting Page for more detailed answers.

Background and Identification

The Fitbit Surge is a smartwatch that launched in 2015 as a "fitness super watch". This ergonomic smartwatch comes in black, blue, and orange. The watch includes a heart rate monitor, and a GPS that has the ability to track distance, pace, and elevation. It can also be connected via bluetooth with a smartphone so that you can recieve alerts, texts, and incoming calls through the device. The watch features a monochrome LCD touchscreen display and music controls.

Compared to older models like the Fitbit One and Fitbit Zip, the Surge offers many more exercise features, including SmartTrack, multi-sport, Pure-Pulse Heart Rate monitoring, and a built-in GPS. The surge was also one of the first smartwatches to introduce smart features, such as call and text notifications and calendar alerts.

The Surge was followed by the Fitbit Blaze, Fitbit Flex 2, and Fitbit Charge 2 .

Additional Information

Fitbit Surge Help Page

Fitbit Community and Review Page

Fitbit wikiHow