Background and Identification

The Newport E100i is a portable ventilator that is easy to store and less expensive than traditional ventilators. This device is electronically controlled and pneumatically powered, meaning that its power comes from air pressure of 60-120 pounds per square inch. It utilizes Turbine technology, high-frequency Oscillatory ventilation, flow sensors, and pressure transducers. The primary use of this device, as of all ventilators, is to help control the alternate inflation and deflation of one’s lungs, control volume and pressure of air entering one’s lungs, and regulate levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in one’s blood. The Newport E100i has six modes of ventilation including: volume control, CPAP/BIPAP, support ventilation, intermittent mandatory ventilation, pressure control, and a combination of modes. Additionally, the Newport E100i has the following components: hoses, optional monitoring, oxygen, volume, compressed gas source, patient breathing circuit, and a mixer/blender.

Some important features of the Newport E100i are alarms that are sounded due to visual/audible pressure being too high or too low, battery on low, an oxygen mixer failure, electrical power failure, or due to the inspiratory time being too long. In addition, the batter is a Gel cell that lasts up to 4 hours and takes 18 hours to recharge. The respiratory rate of the ventilator is 1-120 breaths per minute, the tidal volume is 10-2500 cc, the inspiratory time is 0.1-3.0 seconds and there is a safety pressure relief 0-100 cm/H20. To power the E100i, 115V, 60Hz, 8.5 Amp is needed. This item is fuse protected. Furthermore, the air supplied is 35-70 psi/50 psi, and the oxygen supply is 35-70psi/50 psi. The safety features of this device include the alarms previously mentioned as well as an Apnea back-up ventilation system and built-in battery which allows 6-8 hours of transport or emergency power.

The Newport E100i is currently not still on the market, but can be purchased from several sources for between $700-$2,500. However, a replacement battery can be bought from many places including Walmart and Ebay for around $20. This device is intended primarily for hospital use by physicians or nurses, and is best for patients who need long-term support but not complex or critical care. The majority of the patient population for this device includes neonatal, pediatric, and adults. This item was one in a series of Newport’s transportable ventilators, with the most current model being the Newport HT70 Ventilator that is more portable, designed more for at home care and emergency preparedness, and is more easy to use. Many of the functions are similar for this new model, although some values (such as respiratory rate) have been adjusted.

The dimensions of this device are a height of  10.5”, width of 9.5”, and a depth of 6.5”.  The ventilator itself weighs just 13 lbs. The device has a blue surface and has 9 separate dials on the front of it, as well as a pressure gauge and plugs. The device is on a wheeling cart in order to make it more portable.

Technical Specifications

The Technical Specifications for this device is as follows (view document below for complete list):

  • Inspiratory Time of 0.1-3.0 seconds
  • Tidal Volume 10cc to 2500 cc
  • Respiratory Rate 1 to 120 breaths per minute
  • FLO2 .21 to 1 +/- 3%
  • Range 0-100 cm/H20
  • Nebulizer On/Off Switch
  • Volume .2 Liters
  • Gas Supply Oxygen 25 to 70 psi/50 psi
  • Air Supply 35 to 70 psi/50 psi

Additional Information

Here are some helpful links:

Soma Technology



Avante Health Solutions