The Spool and the Line
Es werden einige allgemeine Werkzeuge verwendet, um an diesem Gerät zu arbeiten. Du wirst nicht jedes Werkzeug für jeden Vorgang benötigen.
Follow this link: Zebco 33 Troubleshooting.
Support Questions
1. Q: Why is the line jamming?
A: The line may be tangled above the spool.
2. Q: Why won’t the handle crank?
A: The handle may need to be replaced, or the handle may need to be cleaned and free of dirt, debris, or old grease.
3. Q: Why will the Drag not tighten up?
A: If your drag will not tighten up you may need to replace the gears.
Background and Identification
The history of the Zebco 33 fishing reel started with the Zero Hour Bomb Company in 1932 which made electric time bombs for oil drilling in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In 1947 a Texas watchmaker named R.D. Hull gets the idea for a new fishing reel after observing a meat counter clerk pull string from a fixed spool. He then takes his idea to the Zero Hour Bomb Company and the first spin cast reel guaranteed to never backlash is born. Company executives for the Zero Hour Bomb Company decided shortly after the first line of reels came out that they were no longer going to be in the oil well explosives business – they were now in the fishing reel business and so created a new company name, ZEBCO. The Zebco 33 reel can be recognized by its cylindrical shape which resembles a can. The spool doesn’t turn which makes the reel never backlash.
Additional Information
Zebco 33 Troubleshooting Spin Cast Reel