
you will learn how to glue and fix a pair of eyeglasses

  1. FFZ1uwfDHgl62TGN
    • first unscrew all screws from both sides of the glasses

    • Next insert the old lense (or new one depending on how damage old one was)

  2. wN3pcANdKEDWH3im
    • Now glue the two broken pieces together and hold together for about 30 seconds to 1 minute

  3. 1i3BZwgLRxUvbIBw
    • (Optional) place glasses in between a vice and secure to make glasses fitted nice and tug. Keep glasses in vice until fully dried

    • once glue is fully dried carefully place screws back into place and tighten them all the way

Briquel Patenaude

Mitglied seit: 01/11/16

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