Pretty nice clock! Let's take a look at the features.
Time & Date Segments
Indoor temperature & humidity segments
Outdoor temperature & humidity segments
Snooze & backlight button
Battery backup
Before we get in, we need to remove the back screws. Use your THIN SHAFTED #1 Phillips Screwdriver.
We will now open up the device VERY CAREFULLY!
Grab the sides of the clock and lift. Then, push down on the circuit board and lift the cover off.
So, now that we have it open, let's take a look at the inside.
Temperature & humidity sensor
Battery terminals
A whole bunch of capacitors
Snooze & backlight buttons
Remove the black holder that is holding the projector in by pushing it up on the bottom of it with your fingers.
Then use a metal opening tool to put medium pressure on the clamp, and at the same time, push the projector outwards.
Now it's off!
Pull up on the back cover while jiggling it to get it off.
Then, simply pull out the projector.
Use a Phillips #1 screwdriver (any shaft size is fine) to remove the four screws holding the two sides of the projector together to separate them.
Then, CAREFULLY remove the plastic black square above the screen, and then the screen itself. Done with the projector!
Now, lift the CB and separate it from the screen.
Remove all of the things like the backlight filter and distributor.
Finally, CAREFULLY remove the screen, buttons, and button frame.
That's all! You did it! Thanks for following my guide! Please check out my other guides on my profile. See ya!