I am tearing down a router!
this is the linksys WRT54G2 V1.
The Internet in jack.
The 4 Ethernet out jacks
One reset button.
One 12 Volt DC .5 amp inlet.
1 WPS button.
This is the back of the router. and 4 of its screws must be removed
WHAT IS THIS? A new screw!
How do we open this? Rip it open? No... As tempting as that is there must be a more elegant way...
iFixit tools are elegant right? Use a Opening Tool (Öffnungswerkzeug) to do the trick. mostly in the back corners.
Engraved with the word IFIXIT to show authenticity.
Made with REAL metal
Look at that obviously not edited in shine!
Luckily I own one of these beauties. you can buy one too! BUY THE SPUDGENATOR 9000 HERE!
insert the SPUDGENATOR 9000 and slide it through the split until you here pops.
Eventually it will open.
Here is the back of the WPS button.
These tabs are held in too much for my fingers to get! Time for the SPUNGENATOR 9000! use it to pry those tough tabs.
Aaaaand its out! (after breaking a tab)
2 antennas