Inside, all I see are glorious Phillips Head screws!
Finally! Something repairable!
Battery Compartment
Power Switch and LED board
Mainboard/Joystick board
A and B button board
Another 4 screws, and POP! it is holding a spring down, for the joystick.
There did not appear to be an easy way to get the joystick out, however.
In conclusion, I LOVE how it's all the J1 Phillips Head screw, throughout the entire device.
It's easy to get under every board.
There are, unfortunately, no plugs, and so everything is soldered on. This removes the possibility of replacing any electrical internals.
2 Kommentare
It should not be too hard to replace stuff as long as you know how to solder. However many chips cannot be replaced as they are either epoxied on or need to be programmed before it would work in the device.
CChin -
Can you help me?
I need repair this game and need the number of part of the integrated circuit number U15 this can find at side of the red an black wire in the principal board. In my board is absolutely Imposible read it is destroyed. Only can read the first number (4) and the last (2L)