Teardown of the Samsung Evergreen, an allegedly environmentally friendly phone featuring a full QWERTY keyboard. Watch and be amazed!
Pry the case away from the body of the phone. Be gentle around the volume control, micro USB, and micro SD ports.
Keyboard ribbon connector
Remove the two screws marked in red to free the EMI shielding.
The keyboard ribbon strings each of the pieces together, but the keypad flops right out on its own.
Huzzah the sliding carriage is free—what's that? The funk of forty thousand years? This part of the phone never sees the light of day!
Remove the six screws circled in red.
Sometimes this screw is hidden by the ribbon cable!
More plastic clips means a little more finagling to pry the front case off.
The work pays off with a snappy line-up.
Gently flex the faceplate to loosen the adhesive's hold on the screen.
After loosening all edges, begin to peel the LCD from the plastic. When in doubt, stop, look, and listen; just like crossing the street.