Welcome to my teardown of an Samsung GT-E1205Y!
In this teardown we will take apart an keypad phone without any touchscreen!
Inside the back cover we have an 3,7 Volts 800mAh Li-ion battery which is enough for a phone like that.
Looking further we have the following things:
Sim-Card Slot
Battery Pins
Unknown Pins which are labeled with letters?
If we zoom in we can actually see these letters close up, Mine was soldered at B, Everyone might have different soldering
Lets take a look at the motherboard, At the second image I have labeled what the buttons do.
Looking at the back side of the motherboard we can see the following things
Battery Connector
Sim-Card Slot
Possible chip where the firmware is stored
Headphone and charger connector
Thats it! We have taken apart the following things!
Speaker and Vibrator
Back and Front Shell
The Motherboard
And the back cover!