
Dicht auf den Fersen unseres ausführlichen Galaxy S7 Teardowns, präsentieren wir euch nun einen weiteren zukünftigen Teardownklassiker: Das Galaxy S7 Edge.

Bei den meisten Doppel-Flaggschiff Smartphones ging der Trend in die Richtung, dass die Hersteller so viele gemeinsame Designelemente wie möglich verwendeten. Wir vermuten, dass dieser Teardown ein herausforderndes "Finde die Unterschiede"-Spiel werden könnte.

Begleite uns beim Zerlegen und Vergleichen des S7 Edge. Um immer auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben,

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  1. sL4kx4bD3iUaNR1m
    • Hier sind die Spezifikationen. Die kommen uns doch von irgendwoher bekannt vor.

    • Dual edge 5,5” Super AMOLED Touchscreen-Display mit einer Auflösung von 2560 × 1440 Pixeln (534 ppi)

    • Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 Prozessor mit 4 GB RAM + Adreno 530 GPU

    • 12-Megapixel Rückkamera mit Dualpixel-Autofokus, 4K Videoaufnahme und 5-Megapixel Selfiekamera

    • 32 oder 64 GB interner Speicher, erweiterbar mit MicroSD-Karten (um bis zu 200 GB zusätzlich)

    • IP68 Wasserresistenz-Bewertung

    • Android 6.0 Marshmallow

    It has so many variants: N930V, N930A, N930P, N930R4, N930W8. You guys should be more professional to write clearly which one is shown here.

    An10na -

    • Wir mussten unbedingt unsere Edge-Benachrichtigungen testen, um diesen gekrümmten OLED zur Schau zu stellen. Aber leider, hat niemand unsere neue Nummer.

    • Im direkten Vergleich mit dem Galaxy S6 Edge des Vorjahres zeigt sich wieder einmal, dass Smartphones jedes Jahr größer werden. Das S7 Edge hat ebenfalls die gleiche IP68 Bewertung und den erweiterbaren MikroSD Kartenslot, den wir schon im S7 sahen, beides war allerdings letztes Jahr nicht mit dabei.

    • Der Kamerahügel ist ebenfalls deutlich flacher geworden, was wohl am steigenden Meerespiegel der zusätzlichen Dicke von 0,7 mm des S7 Edge liegt.

  3. HoEKSAiEBSBa5nXx
    • Ein weiterer Auftrag für den NSEA Protector iOpener. Der wird dem Gerät ordentlich einheizen!

    • Und nun dieselbe Prozedur wie beim normalen S7: Nach ordentlichem Erhitzen, ist unsere iSclack und Pick Combo auch bei sehr hartnäckigem Klebstoff, sehr effektiv.

    • Erinnert ihr euch noch an die Zeit, als leicht zerbrechliche Rückabdeckungen wenigsten auch noch leicht zu ersetzen waren? iFixit erinnert sich daran..

    Amen. Wish those days were back.

    Susan Nelson -

    yeah right it cost 60$ for a new battery but you could keep two fresh ones in your bag so when 1 died you could take the dead one out and put the new one in keep on listening to your music . 10 years later batteries are Only $10 and they still don’t last but a couple of hours if you keep the screen off but if you don’t shell out $100 to verizon you cant change it yourself because its glued in a glass box with trip wires that void your warranty.

    Walter Bishop -

  4. ygD3TI6IpaAENOhn
    • S7 und S7 Edge Seite an Seite zum Vergleichen und Kontrastieren. Ergebnis: viele Gemeinsamkeiten, wenig Unterschiede.

    • Das Innenleben der zwei Geräte beinhaltet die gleiche Kamera, Blitz, Grundaufbau und selbst die Positionen der Antennenkabel sind gleich (auch wenn sie sich etwas anders kringeln).

    • Trotz des überraschend ähnlichen Layouts, ist die die Edge Variante mit Krümmung an der Rückseite weniger kurvig, als die Standardversion.

    • Die Rückseite des S7 imitiert mit seinem gebogenen Rückglas die Vorderseite des S7 Edge. Das Ergebnis ist eine Spiegeluniversum Böser Zwilling Situation. Allerdings mit Kurven, statt Spitzbärten.

  5. NAshToHPXV1ktTLJ
    • Eine gute Nachricht, Freunde! Der Akku ist nicht länger unter dem Motherboard eingeschlossen, wie es beim letzjährigen Edge der Fall war.

    • Sieht so aus als ob sich die Standardisierung des normalen S7 auch positiv auf das Edge auswirkt.

    • Wir nehmen den Monster 3,85 V, 13,86 Wh, 3,600 mAh Akku aus seiner Vertiefung.

    • Das sind 20% mehr Kapazität als der sowieso schon große 3,000 mAh Akku im S7. Es scheint so, als hätte man den zusätzlichen Platz im etwas dickeren Edge dafür genutzt, dass der Akku länger hält und durch häufiges Laden weniger abnutzt als beim S7. Genial!

    • Bei Grabthars Hammer, was für eine Einsparung.

  6. SsN4BfZSM2sLQ1VK
    • Wir stecken tief im Inneren des Monsters mit gekrümmtem Bildschirm, aber im Vergleich zu seinem flachen Cousin, sieht alles ... gleich aus.

    • Unglücklicherweise, hat dieses Edge im Vergleich zu seinem Vorgängermodell einen Rückschritt getan, und ein Designfeature übernommen, dass wir überhaupt nicht mögen: Soft-Button LED Kabel, die um den Mittelrahmen gewickelt sind, um dann unter das Displayglas geklebt zu werden. Sobald kriegen wir das Daughterboard leider nicht raus...

    • Na gut, dann nehmen wir eben erstmal das Motherboard raus.

    • Nachdem wir das Motherboard frisch rausgenommen haben, gucken wir doch mal, womit es belegt ist:

    • SK Hynix H9KNNNCTUMU-BRNMH 4 GB LPDDR4 SDRAM direkt auf dem Qualcomm MSM8996 Snapdragon 820

    • Samsung KLUBG4G1CE 32 GB MLC universeller Flashspeicher 2.0

    • Avago AFEM-9040 Multiband Multimode Modul

    • Murata FAJ15 Front End Modul

    • Qorvo QM78064 Highband RF Fusion Modul und QM63001A Diversity Empfangsmodul

    • Qualcomm WCD9335 Audio Codec

    • Maxim MAX77854 PMIC und MAX98506BEWV Audioverstärker

    Where is the GPS chip ?

    Stefan Vanya -

    with all the other radios(wifi bluetooth, cellular, fm)

    Ethan Chow -

    Please peel off the cover on the sim/sd card area for us... the pin configuration for the microsd card is of the utmost importance for accessorizing the storage on this phone...

    afterfreeze -

    I second this, please pull off the metal cover on the microSD card area to expose the pin configuration!

    Nicholas Hamilton -

    I also came to this article to find out if the microSD slot has the extra row of pins indicating UHS-II support. It would be really helpful if the answer to this question was backed up by a photograph of the microSD card slot pins. Thanks in advance.

    Brad Stone -


    I have s7 edge live demo unit if I change the motherboard it's will work as a phone?

    Bilal hussein -

    Is this the same motherboard for all models?

    Shyamkrishnan Balasubramanian -

    Do you Know where is the magnetic sensor chip ?

    Bakou -

    That little blue marked thingy next to the camera fell off. How do I put it back?

    Elena Elena -

  8. OpHPuo5lMhQBelaF
    • Auch die andere Seite hat einen ähnlichen Belag wie das Standard S7:

    • Murata KM5D17074 Wi-Fi module

    • NXP 67T05 NFC Controller

    • IDT P9221 Empfänger für kabelloses Laden (vermutlich eine Wiederholung des IDT P9220)

    • Qualcomm PM8996 and PM8004 PMICs

    • Qualcomm QFE3100 Envelope Tracker

    • Qualcomm WTR4905 and WTR3925 RF Transceivers

    • Samsung C3 Bildprozessor und Samsung S2MPB02 PMIC

    • Oh, und noch was.

    • Das ganze Sache mit der "Flüssigkeitskühlung"? Nicht wirklich eine große Sache. Falls du es verpasst hast, wir haben unsere Entdeckungen detailliert in unserem S7 Teardown beschrieben und hier ist es nicht wirklich anders.

    • Das winzige Wärmerohr des S7 Edge ist fast identisch mit dem, das wir aus dem S7 genommen haben. Es sollte also den gleichen Wärmeleitungsausgleich zum metallenen Mittelrahmen bewirken, ein erweitertes Kühlsystem für lange Samsung Gear VR Sessions.

  10. tuDtO5rbUNNvqyXE
    • Und hier die Endnote für das Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: 3 von 10 Punkten (10 ist am einfachsten zu reparieren).

    • Viele Komponenten sind modular und können einzeln ersetzt werden.

    • Im Gegensatz zum S6 Edge, kann der Akku entnommen werden, ohne dass das Motherboard ausgebaut werden muss - allerdings macht ein starker Klebstoff unter dem Akku und eine angeklebte Rückabdeckung den Wechsel sehr viel schwerer, als nötig.

    • Das Display muss ersetzt (und wahrscheinlich zerstört) werden, wenn man den USB Anschluss wechseln möchte.

    • Front- und Rückglas sorgen für doppelte Splittergefahr und der starke Kleber unter der Rückabdeckung macht es besonders schwer, in das Gerät hineinzukommen.

    • Das Glas zu ersetzen, ohne das Display zu zerstören ist wahrscheinlich unmöglich.

Jeff Suovanen

Mitglied seit: 06/08/13

407156 Reputation

74 Kommentare

When taking the phone apart, I assume that naturally you are throwing some if not all of the water resistant (or proof) capabilities behind, or is that not the case? Maybe you can re-waterproof it again, who knows.

Joshua Leaver -

Hello and good afternoon Joshua,

I have had to perform the same teardown on my Galaxy S7. After putting everything back together, I wanted to test the same theory. My phone was still very water resistant (I literally dropped it in a sink of water by mistake lol). But I've seriously had no problems with my S7 after. Hope the same success follows your projects. Have a great day!

damon sampy -

There is some discussion as to whether the S7 phones support the extra speeds in UHS-II microSD cards - which would require an extra row of pins in the reader. The preliminary benchmarks of UHS-II cards show disappointing performance below the maximum speed of a UHS-I port, so it is doubtful that the reader is a full UHS-II reader, but it would be nice if the teardown could confirm the pin configuration of the microSD port so we can put the issue to rest...

Jim Graham -

Where is the sd card reader ? does it support UHS-2 ?

Alexandre -

I've already cracked the back glass a little. Does this impact the waterproofness at all? I've been unable to locate just a back plate/glass piece yet as well, but this would be my first time looking.

Zach -

Same question. Bump

Anthony Emma -

It depends on how deep the crack is. But it will certanly apply more preasure in that point under water.

Franco -

The back glass needs to be replaced on mys7 edge, can I go on from the back or the front. Also, your review mentioned replacing the glass would mess up the display.. Does this only apply to the front glass? One last question, where should the back glad be purchased. I see Amazon sells it but it's literally only the glass, no components.

Fred Jameson -

If your original back glass cracked, usually it will lost its waterproof function. you could buy a new replacement from amazon or GG MALL, the replacement will came with adhesive. I will add B8000/7000 glue around the adhesive to make sure the waterproof working. good luck

ggmall -

Yes it will make your phone less water resistant, yoi can find them online for cheap(3$+shipping)

Biuro Lul -

is it possible to use S7Edge battery in S7?

Yurii Mykhalchuk -

no their different sizes i think

zakmza123 -

Hey guys, i have one question that is killing me, hope you can help me: accidentally inserted the key to remove the sim tray in the upper mic hole and apply some pressure until realize my mistake, in a brand new s7 edge, i cant identify the mic hole in your pictures, actually looks like is not straight to the mic, is more like a 90 deg orientation, am i right? Thanks for your help, really appreciate your comments

Bernardo Olivas -

i do the same haha i´m a little scared :S

arym06 -

Anyone got back to you on this yet? I too did the same and my main question is whether or not it would affect the water resistance/proof of the phone by pushing the sim removal took through the mic hole.

Steven C -

If you punctured the mic hole, then this does affect the water resistance of the phone. The speaker mesh is like a net across the speaker hole. Since speakers need air to work properly, air can pass through this mesh, but it is fine enough to the point that water cannot pass through as long as it is not over a certain pressure. This is due to the elasticity of water. For example, a jet of water would be high pressure so that would go through the mesh. The same concept applies if you take the phone beyond a certain depth. If you punctured the mesh, then it no longer has the ability to keep water out.

Chris -

I wish they would switch to black PCB like iPhones... It looks a lot better that way...

Andrew spoelstra -

Would I have to take the phone apart from the back in order to replace the front glass panel or can it be done from the front of the phone?

lordlkavo -

Hello! Who knows have motherboards (r4, t, td, l, a) from galaxy s7 edge external differences between each other? can i put any of them in the same galaxy s7 edge or no?

aubhan Baisarov -

The CDMA and GSM variants are very different so beware what screen assembly you put them in. Samsung loves to screw with us and their endless revisions. I accidentally ordered the EU variant of an S6 edge + and I had to use a longer samsung galaxy s4 antenna wire, as the location of the antenna port on charge port is different on the EU and US version. Still managed to make it work with the longer wire. But for a second there I almost lost my guts over it.

Jorge Vargas -

Can you only repair the back glass

Dario moreno -

repair the back glass is quite easy, just buy a new replacement from amazon, watch this tear down guide you can do it.


ggmall -

whether you can put a motherboard into the frame Snapdragon version of the Exynos version ??? ??? they compatible???

beka -

same question, I have a T-Mobile motherboard and a sm-g935F frame with LCD assembly.

Luis Tremont -

I'm trying to get the LCD assembly where's a good place to buy the parts online for good prices not outraged prices

Austin bering -

Sammy charges $260 to replace it. And it will be waterproof again. Buy the lcd on ebay is about $200. Plus you need the adhesive. Best to just send it to samsung.

Jimmy James -

$200 for an s7 edge LCD? where? Last time I Looked it was still up in the 280+ range.

Jorge Vargas -

the B grade screen for galaxy s7 edge on gg mall is 169usd

ggmall -

where can I buy a replacement screen for s7edge and I need the no& off botton replace as well?

Donte Ebonmane -

I cracked my display on my s7 edge and the LCD screen has a black hole when it was dropped, is it possible to fix that? What type of screen would I need to buy and would I break anything?

Regan Murray -

It is possible to replace the glass only?

Mauricio Hoempler -

It isn't impossible but it sure is hard as !&&*.

Jorge Vargas -

This comment;

**The display needs to be removed (and likely destroyed) if you want to replace the USB port**

> Looking at the last image it appears the usb pcb is separate from the display and can be simply remove by screws, can you clarify this replacement would damage this display?

Stephen Cooke -

No you cant. The buttons are on the same board, you need to remove the screen to free the 2 captive buttons, then you can unscrew the 2 little screws. You can sacrifice the 2 buttons then its easy

Robert Vasile -

Totally radical idea... I have a Sprint S7 Edge with a cracked LCD. If I were to buy a complete s7 (non-edge) chassis and LCD, would it be possible to transfer my mobo/logic board and guts into the non-edge chassis?

Jason White -

hey can you help me with the advise as in what to do with the broken top glass,

the inner display touch are just perfectly working..


i wanna know that too

helberxp -

How much the ic display parts..? And where we buy of the said parts?

Ralp Bolo -

Hi...sir i have s7 edge on time i will conect charging cable..after tunoff mobile..now dont on mobile..

Abdul Rahoof Rahoof -

What is the part number of the Bluetooth Chip here?Manufacturer?

Raul Piper -

Hi, where do we find what the GPS chipset is?

Dave Lowndes -

Hi I dropped and broke the glass on both sides. The LCD is ok and the phone is absolutely functional. Can I just replace the glass, and at what cost.

royanimesh -

Can the front glass be replaced only ?

Like with this kit ?


wesley tejeda -

No. you can replace it unless if you have a series professional machine, hah

ggmall -

My S7 edge got water damaged and I took it apart to see the motherboard, the transistor or whatever it is towards the right of the big rectangular silver 5G WiFi module seems to be have become corroded and a bit black in colour ,I submerged the motherboard in 99% isopropyl alcohol and dryed it completely but it doesn't work. can I replace the couple of transistors that have corroded ? If so can anyone please guide me and let me know what's the exact transistor part that's damaged like it's name or series number? And where can I get it?

Vivek -

Any place where you can buy a metal back replacement? Also if in my current damaged back the camera lens in intack can it be salavage?? If so do i need to purchase a adherence strip or does the one on the back cover include this?


www.sosav.co.uk and www.sosav.com sell all the components for the Galaxy S7 and all of the other phones in the Galaxy range! They're working on getting the rest on the english site, but the french site has literally everything so I'd give them an e-mail if you want something specific!

Evie -

انا حاسس انو الواي فاي فيه ضعيف بيلقط الاشارة ضعيفة جدا شو بيكو نالمشكلة

احمد خالد -

I cannot get any service on my Samsung S7 Sprint. There is a MIPI device fail. What is the cause of this?

Mehmood Ali khan -

I have the S7 Edge 32GB and my I used my phone carefully to take pictures under water in a swimming pool about 30 cm under for no more than a few seconds each time to take 4 photos as you see on the adverts. after no more than five minutes the camera stopped working,. I dried it out and the charge was gone so I tried to charge by both means (wireless and lead) to no avail. I took it to Samsung and was told that the mother board is more than likely gone and that buying a new phone would be more economical. I was duped into thinking that the phone had a full Samsung warranty. However despite it being bought last September and being told it had a full Samsung warranty it only has a guarantee on the software.

I blame Samsung for saying that it is IP68 (water and dust resistant to 1.5 M for 30 min. which as an engineer I am well aware of. This phone like a lot of Samsung phones does not live up to expectations and unlike Apple will not take responsibility for their mistakes. Samsung excreta again. Don't buy!!

sumarianson me -

My motherboard cooked, and has to be replaced. Does anyone know whether it's possible to remove the part where all the data and apps are stored and soldering it on a new board? In theory, having the phone and data exactly as it was, just with a new board? Any info would be appreciated, have so much work related documents which I have created on the phone and didn't back it up in time..

Johan Gertzen -

how i turn on the antenna on s7 - no service issue

Federico Deledda -

HI anyone knows if you can use the 935f motherboard in the 935fd version?

Nalini Mathura -

YES, the mid frame hosting is the same, and the dock connector is compatible i think

ggmall -

What are the 3 wires for when pulling the wires off the port on the white wire mother board side piped off

Brian -

Is the single SIM G935F screen the same for the dual SIM G935FD??

Donald Eastwood -

Oh, sorry, just seen the question 2 up!

Donald Eastwood -

Is the exynos variant using different pmic, like instead of the pm8996 and 8004, does it use s535 and s515 for power management?

Dennis K -

My Samsung s7 edge 2sims not working. Technician was tell motherboard problem. I want mother borad

Anwar Sanu -

My phone was destoyed (run overy on the interstate) it turns on but the lcd is broke.I have a bunch of pics on the phone. If I buy a newhile lcd and front and back panels will my phone still hold the pictures?

Aaron -

Hi, I'm having a problem with my S7edge USB Port. It's possible to replace it since you said it was hard to remove the front glass.

Henry -

Thank you for details above.

the screen of my phone galaxy S7 edge scratched because it fell down from my hand but it was working for 3 or 4 days and then suddenly didn’t work and I tried to open but I couldn’t. After 2 days I connected it to charger and then I tried to open it, it had worked until unlock screen display the black screen displayed and some programming code in the top displayed for a few seconds and now one month from that happened and still doesn’t work, so please I need solution to get all my data form the device???


Mohammed Ali Alajaji -

Is it possible to recover photos from your old s7 edge by putting that mother board into your new glaxay s7 edge ?? my phones completley locked so I cant unlock it from the app. The entire screen is shattered. The buttons will light on but the touch pad doesnt recgonize when im touching the screen. Plus it is blacked out.

diana ayala -

how repair/replace the carrier signal antenna?

ecstacy 777 -

I replaced my battery but forgot to apply some double sided sticky tape to secure the battery to the midframe- is that critical?

Charles -

Is the tape holding down the battery to the metal midframe critical?

Charles -

can you put a galaxy s7 duos mother board in to a s7 body and just get a duel sim card tray

Denis Blais -

Hi, where do we find what the GPS chipset is?

Lin Joe -

What about the pink line.. This really disappoint me.. Expensive yet the quality is bad..

drel_26 -

How do i jail break my galaxy 7s edge

dianaleeandrews -

Why you didn’t remove the screen?

Dinan Blueje -

My s7 just refused to boot nor charge after going off on its on while I was using the flash light and the flash light remained on for about 7-9hours before going off too, what could be the cause ?

I have already taken it to a phone repair shops and the said its the motherboard that got crashed, please is there any way I can replace or get another motherboard to replace it ?


Franklin Nkemjika -

Muy buenas tardes a todos, tengo un pequeño problema mi s7 se me reinicia siento que se calienta y es el problema aun que ustedes me pueden indicar si les ha pasado y cual puede ser el problema gracias

Miguel Cherubini -