Ring ring! Ring ring!
Your cell phone rings. You know you should answer it, but it's all the way in your pocket, and the thought of reaching down, pulling it out, tapping a button, reaching up to your ear, and talking just sounds plain exhausting. But never fear! Samsung comes to the rescue.
Introducing the Gear 2, Samsung's revamped smartwatch. Join us as we tear down the future of wearable tech and attempt to answer the question: can a device be smart, wearable, and repairable?
Only time will tell…
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One of this gadget's most innovative features is that, at any moment, you can look at your wrist and know the exact time. Phenomenal.
Other tech specs include:
1.63" Super AMOLED display (320x320 pixels)
4 GB internal memory
2.0 MP camera with 720p video at 30 fps
300 mAh battery (2-3 day battery life)
Bluetooth 4.0 LE
Once upon a time, smartwatches were only for superspies and TV heroes.
Despite all the tech underneath, the Gear 2's only visible gadget is its 2-megapixel camera, nicely nested into the brushed metal surface.
The main issue we see with this design is that having a camera constantly facing away from your body makes selfies nearly impossible.
Our Gear 2 may not be spy-issue, as it still exhibits identifiable markings: Model No. SM-R380.
The backside bears a row of contacts for the cradle charger, as well as a teeny tiny sensor. More on that later in the show.
Before we even begin searching for a way into this quintessential smartwatch, a quartet of quaint Torx screws catches our quizzical eye.
Screws are good news. Glue makes us blue. Could this device be a repair enthusiast's Xanadu?
Ejecting removable wristband in 3…2…1…
Free at last! A replaceable wrist strap is a right, not a privilege. We're glad to have the opportunity to change a band up a bit.
A band is likely to break up—er, show some wear and tear over time. It is nice to know that no matter how much time has passed, this Gear can always get back together.
Here it is—the moment of truth is upon us. Will this device truly be smart, wearable, and repairable?
Oh my flying spaghetti monster! We cannot believe it! Just look how beautiful that opening pick is. If that doesn't make you want to smash a 20 minute air guitar solo, we don't know what will!
Side note: the Gear 2 came apart extremely easily. A small Torx driver and a bit of light prying split this watch in half with ease.
"No cables, no problems," that's what we say. The halves communicate solely via spring contacts.
Never before has a device been so repairable that it comes pre-loaded with markup.
The battery springs willingly from its seat, with help from an instructional pull tab.
Samsung claims the 300 mAh battery is good for 2-3 days of normal
spyinguse. Charge cycles are a huge factor in Lithium ion battery health, so a multi-day charge makes us happy to see. -
The quartermaster would like the equipment returned with a full charge, please.
This little spy cam will come out with ease, but first….
Congrats! It's a 2.0 megapixel camera, capable of catching stills and 720p video at 30 frames per second. We don't know much else, except that "RINATO" means reborn in Italian.
All this, and it still tells time!
The LCD and digitizer connect to the motherboard via a single cable, which also serves to hold the board in, like a cute little seatbelt.
With the connector out of the way, the board is free to roam, with all of its efficiently-packed peripherals strapped in for the ride.
A few non-modular components are soldered to the board: IR LED (for TV remote functionality), heartrate monitor, and vibrator motor.
Small package, lotta power:
Samsung KMF5X0005M (likely DRAM package with 1 GHz dual-core CPU layered beneath)
Motorola MPS14X 60X5V3 1410WeC
Maxim Integrated MAX77836 Low-Voltage Input, 3V/3.3V/5V/ Adjustable Output, Step-Up DC-DC Converter
STMicroelectronics STM32F401B ARM-Cortex M4 MCU with 128KB Flash
0225E8 E225B4
BCD Semiconductor Y831 audio codec
InvenSense MP65M 6-axis gyroscope / accelerometer
We can't help pushing the buttons of manufacturers—and Samsung is no different.
We tweeze off the home button assembly, followed by its good, old-fashioned mechanical button.
We've reached the end of time. All that remains is the fused back of the display assembly.
While we're sad to see this (relatively) large component fused, we're happy to know that a spiderwebbed display would be reasonably fixable by simply replacing the entire display assembly.
The teeny tiny touchscreen is powered by a Melfas touch sensor chip.
Samsung Gear 2 Repairability Score: 8 out of 10 (10 is easiest to repair)
The watch band is super easy to remove, speeding replacements and upgrades.
Screws, clips, and spring contacts make up the trifecta of easy opening. Getting in through the rear case is a snap.
Once you're inside, the battery can be peeled out and replaced with no tools.
A fused display assembly, glued into the front of the device, makes screen replacement a little difficult and costly.
29 Kommentare
why all the cheesy wording?
because he has some sense of fun/humor? Thankfully, geeks are no longer required to wear pocket protectors, or be humorless robots.
Will there be a problem if sweat shorts the contact pins made for cradle?
No, the contact sockets are deep enough to avoid any effect of sweat getting in.
How/Why do we think the MPS14X 60X5V3 1410WeC is a Motorola Chip? Does Motorola still manufacture semiconductor products?
Joey M -