
We disassembled this iPod on September 7, 2007.

  1. DyEc15Ao3HlmHfiV
    • There it is, in the same style box as the last Nano, but quite a bit shorter and wider.

  2. qUidiAPiXNppZR4L
    • Here's what you'll find in the box:

    • A manual (even smaller than the iPod).

    • The usual, much-maligned headphones.

    • A USB to iPod cable.

    • A dock insert.

    • A brand new iPod.

  3. 4UbfIgoyNqjSrLOZ
    • The growing iPod Nano family.

    • Although the new Nano is shorter and wider than its older siblings, it has approximately the same area (36 square centimeters).

  4. w1ZHQgQPJrxOEVuB
    • Apple appears to be going in circles. Anodized aluminum, shiny, anodized, shiny...

    • But of course, it's what's inside that counts.

  5. sKP6ExcURV1S2MsK
    • And here's our first look inside this newest Nano.

    • The case has eight locking tabs:

    • Three on the left, evenly spaced.

    • Three on top.

    • Two on the right, near the bottom, to make room for the display circuitry at the upper right.

    How do i get the back panel off? it wont seem to slide up or anything

    andy -

  6. hYxYEKrc5HIWurG5
    • We've removed six Phillips screws fixing the logic board to the casing.

    • We can now lift the logic board up, but it's still tethered by the visible click wheel cable and the hidden display cable.

  7. PSusbVu3o4hEB2MJ
    • We've disconnected the click wheel cable and flipped the board over to disconnect the display cable.

  8. BejtjwDLQic5HagT
    • Now we use a spudger to pry up the display, which is held along the case's edge by an adhesive strip.

    • The first generation Nano's display was attached in exactly the same way. If you're not careful when prying it up, you may crack it.

  9. iiLrReSjCAxHGVZP
    • We're noticing a strong trend as we take apart this iPod: adhesive.

    • The click wheel is held in place by nothing but a very strong adhesive, which is going to make replacing it difficult. You'll have to get it to stay in place as well as Apple has (i.e. very well).

    • Here the battery is out of its metal housing, which is attached to the logic board by, that's right, adhesive.

    • The battery is attached to the logic board by three through-hole solder points, as in the second generation Nano (sorry, no easy replacements).


    Toni Palmer -

    Yes, that's how alot of flash based devices run Samsung chips

    fraijoni -

    Of course!!!

    Toni Palmer -

  11. Q4cLTxAbDBurEEm1
    • And here's everything together again, but apart.

  12. mxmkfRJqJGMmpwp5
    • A close-up of the logic board's top, which sports an eight gigabyte Samsung flash memory chip and headphone jack.

    • The headphone jack is soldered to the logic board, as in the first generation Nano, but not in the second.

  13. fFNgLoWwFYUPLDbB
    • A close-up of the logic board's bottom.

    The top middle chip (below the dock connector is 256 megs of sdram

    Lucas Hoekstra (Lucas9810) -

    Is it possible to replace the power port?

    Brionced Loo -

  14. pmBr1pu24NqDU1wH
    • And it still works! Now, having satisfied our curiosity, we can put some music on it.

Luke Soules

106543 Reputation

4 Kommentare

I have done the same thing to my ipod nano 3g as shown on these pics u posted.I've changed my ipod housing and now it looks as new as ever..thanks! i luv ya!

grimjaww -

Which two out of three terminals are positive and negative.

Ravi -

The red and black and positive and negative, the white is signal.

Joe Mason -

It’s a USB To 30 pin not iPod

Jayden Montes -