When the re-fillable pods starts to near end of life they mainly are just clogged in the coil core, this teardown will expose the coil to help the reader clean it and to prolong the life of their pods.
Pry the four tabs on the back of the pod
When one of the corners lift, start working on the next one.
The tank has a thru-hole on one of the sides, sealed off with one of the legs of the bottom plate and a rubber cone.
Go in between the clear plastic and the silicone/rubber with the flathead and pry upwards, it's clipped on to the stem in the middle but it shouldn't be on with much force.
Insert the flathed into one of the holes of the rubber and bend away from the pod, and the rubber seal will pop off, there should be no resistance.
Push on the stem from the top of the pod towards the bottom, when it releases use something to push the stem further, from the top of the pod.
Use the back of a drillbit, or something similar, around 1-2mm dia. to push out the coil from the top of the stem.
Try to push it out by scraping the edge of the stem until you reach the top edge of the coil. Pushing in the center can cause damage to the coil itself.
Use a 1mm drillbit to de-clog the center bore of the coil, very carefully.