A little bit about myself, I'm a freshman student-athlete who intends on majoring in Construction Management with a minor in Entrepreneurship. I love watching things come together and I believe that's why I have such a deep passion for my future career path. I believe this has always been a value of mine because of running cross country and track. In this sport, you train over a long period of time for one specific race and all your work comes together that day. Though running is a large part of my life I enjoy other activities as well. Some of these activities include hiking, camping, photography, videography and watching movies. I’m a very adventurous individual and enjoy new experiences.

In my time, I have broken a few electronics while going on some adventures. Thankfully these electronics have come back to life after reparations. I enjoy solving problems, doing puzzles, and fixing things when I have the opportunity. No matter how difficult the fix is I am relentless when it comes to solving problems. A skill that I believe I’ve always had is my imagination and creativeness. These things go a long way, especially when you need to improvise.