I am a student who is currently attending UMass Dartmouth, majoring in Computer Science. I have skills in Java, Python and C++ and have experience with various algorithms. I also have a wide range of IT skills that range from security to network care. I am knowledgeable within the field of computing with the skills to handle both the software and hardware side of it. I am certified by TestOut in various IT fields to serve as proof of said capabilities. I have repaired laptops before and are aware of the inner workings of laptops and computers, one example being me having to replace the Internet card inside my grandmother’s laptop which prevented it from connecting to the internet. I have also disassembled and reassembled a computer tower before. The project relates to me as it is essentially a test of my hardware skills and a sort of refresher as I haven’t done something like this in a while. As a side note I am also fluent in sign language.