Hey there, My name is Henry Solares I go to California State University Los Angeles. I am an mechanical engineer and I aspire to do many great things in life like maybe help built a robot and completely work on a car all by myself. I like to think of myself of a quick learner and good at calculus and some solidworks. I have built my PC buying each part and I like to do my cars maintenance. I have been able to repair/replace the windshield wipers on my cars and have repaired my Nintendo switch controllers analog sticks. I like to study and look at cars and work on them when I can but I also like to watch videos and shows on them. The project I am currently doing relates to me because it is my car and I have had passengers annoy me to fix the passenger door handle. I have a dog I very much love called Brisa.

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Here she is... Super cute right... She's secretly a bear.