
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.


For help troubleshooting, check the ASUS Q550LF-BBI7T07 Troubleshooting Page.

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Identification and Background

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Asus Q550LF-BBI7T07

The ASUS Q550LF-BBI7T07 was released September, 20th 2013. This is a 15.6 touchscreen laptop with full HD 1080p Screen display. It comes with 4th gen. Intel Core i7. This laptop comes with Windows 8, which can be upgradable to Windows 10 for free. The laptop itself is 6 pounds with an aluminum black casis. The laptop dimensions are 15.1 x 10 x 1.1 inches. It has a backlit keyboard with a numeric pad.

This device is very closely related to its previous model the Q550LF-BSI7T21. You can identify this laptop by looking at the model number on the the back located under the barcode, which should be Q550LF-BBI7T07.

Additional Information

* Asus Products Support Page

* BestBuy Customer Reviews

* Amazon Customer Reviews