Black and Decker 3-Cup Rice Cooker Button Mechanism Repair
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.
If you are having trouble with the rice cooker, you can use the Black and Decker 3-Cup Rice Cooker Troubleshooting page to determine what is wrong with it.
Background and Identification
Released 2010, the Black and Decker 3-Cup Rice Cooker with model number RC3303 is a basic rice cooker with a capacity for 3 cups of combined water and rice. Its functionality includes a spring-loaded hotplate to lock the device into the on position while cooking, a button to activate the cooker, and two small lights to indicate whether the cooker is cooking or keeping warm its contents.
The device can be unambiguously identified by a sticker on the brass plate holding its legs. The sticker contains the device's product number on the second line: "Model No. RC3303 Type1."