Back Cover
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.
Track down a number of common problems with the LG LX150 troubleshooting guide
Identification and Background
The LG LX150 can be identified by following these steps:
- Compare the pictures you can find on this website to your device; look for similarities in button layout, geometric shapes, and speaker placement.
- If you think you have an LG LX150, remove the battery cover and battery, and the model number should be displayed on the sticker next to a bar code and serial number.
The LG LX150 was introduced as a mobile phone for the Sprint network in the 4th quarter of 2006.
Sporting a simple, elegant flip-phone design with a slick blue metallic finish, the LG LX150 showcases multiple improvements and additions to its predecessors in terms of accesibility and convenience. The admirable feature set, including bluetooth capability, voice activation, one touch speakerphone and a slender body case design, was marketed broadly to middle class Americans nationwide.
Initially priced at $179 for the unit, this product has since been discontinued.