
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.


The West Bend Crockery Cooker 84356 is a slow cooker, with three temperature features: "Keep Warm, LO, and HI." It was released in 2010 and made in China. While it is no longer sold on the West Bend website, it has an approximate resale value of $30. The device is intended for at home chefs who wish to cook their food over long periods of time. This device replaced the West Bend Crockery Cooker 84350. The next model released after this device was the West Bend Crockery Cooker 84357. It is in the family of 6-7 quart slow cookers.


The West Bend Crockery Cooker 84356 is a metal pot attached to a black metal base, and black plastic handles. It holds 6 quarts inside the cooking base. It is made entirely of metal, distinguishing it from other slow cookers with a ceramic base. It is also one piece whereas other slow cookers consist of a cooking vessel placed inside a heating plate. This model only comes in one color. The model number is located on a sticker on the bottom of the black cooking base.



Keep Warm Setting- 100 watts

LO Setting- 185 watts

HI Setting- 250 watts

120 VAC 60Hz

Additional Information

If more information is necessary please use the following links:

West Bend User Manual

Official West Bend Website

West Bend Replacement Parts