
Replacing burnt out or broken bulbs is a quick and easy fix that makes your car easier to see from behind, helping to prevent accidents.

  1. l1IstssYKiowAuCj
    • Locate the plastic casing that holds the trunk liner in place, directly behind the tail light.

    • Unscrew the plastic casings.

    • Make sure to put some pressure on the tail light itself so it does not fall out when you unscrew it.

    • Unscrew the three plastic wing nuts located behind the tail lights.

    • When the tail light assembly comes loose, do not fully remove it because it may damage the connected wires.

    • Carefully pull the tail light away from the car to expose the connected wires.

  4. QM6XfUUegTyrQw5c
    • Unclip the rear panel of the tail light assembly. There are two clips on the top and two on the bottom.

    • Remove the rear panel from the rest of the assembly.

  5. LhBNaMHcitdMuSZg
    • Do not pull on the bulb, handle it gently because it is fragile.

    • Grab the plastic base of the bulb and gently wiggle it free.

  6. LfjEDelweGqGcDUh
    • When handling the new bulbs, avoid touching the glass as much as possible because this can reduce the life of the bulb.

    • Gently push the new bulb into the plastic housing.

    98 Malibu Chevy left back bulbs replaced due to water in bulb sockets! Only turn signal works presently. Small Fuses aren't broken

    Or showing burnt place. Can problem be the under hood fuse box, maxi or mini fuses? Please help.

    Sue Westmoreland -

    Good question. What's the answer. I looked for a fuse and didn't see one

    ro c -

    What is the pattern for the bulbs in the tailight assembly

    frank smith -

    • After putting the new bulbs in, turn the desired lights on to check that the newly installed bulbs work correctly.

    • These bulbs have different functions including blinkers, brake lights, hazard lights, and back-up lights. They will only turn on when the necessary signal is sent.

    My reverse lights work my turning signal works and my brake lights work but what's up with my dimmer lights you know when you're driving at night you have the dimmer lights and then you press the brake lights and the brake lights come on

    Richard Santana -

    What's the answer

    ro c -

    What bulbs do I need to use in the tailight assembly and which bulb goes where

    frank smith -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Sank Yang

Member since: 04/10/12

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