
Use this guide to replace fogged or damaged tail lights in your '98-'02 Honda Accord.

  1. YUVpxgnUTl5BCmjt
    • Open the trunk using your key in the trunk key slot or by using the lever under the driver's console.

  2. fVrtMONQfRJwECeS
    • Remove the small plastic screw along the vertical edge of the trunk entrance using a flathead screwdriver.

    • Carefully peel back the trunk liner from around the edge of trunk opening by the light.

    • Locate the two panel tail light connectors located between the liner and the panel tail light assembly.

  3. JwUTamFkaGgxBZ6v
    • Grab a light bulb socket and turn it counterclockwise until it can be removed from its hole.

    • Repeat this process for the other light bulb socket.

  4. l3fm5lH5YtQGZ5iA
    • Locate the light bulb sockets in the trunk lid, located on the back side of the trunk tail lights.

    • Turn the light bulb sockets counterclockwise and remove them from their holes.

  5. NNAjKGgxhs4opC3J
    • Remove the connector at the bottom of the panel tail light assembly.

    • Locate the three 8 mm nuts holding the panel tail light assembly to the car and use an 8 mm socket wrench or box end wrench to remove the them.

  6. 5AHYfDbLjgfdHMSe
    • Remove the panel tail light assembly by pulling it straight away from the car.

    • If you are having troubles removing the light, try wiggling it back and forth as you pull it out.

    • Remove the three 8 mm hex nuts securing the trunk tail light using a socket wrench or box end wrench.

    • The black nut at the edge of the trunk lid has an extended round end that prevents a standard 8 mm socket from seating fully. You can use a regular socket if you can keep the bit level while rotating, but a deep socket is recommended to prevent stripping.

  8. ynFRQVJqGTpYxAsJ
    • Lift the trunk tail light up from the outer edge, being careful not to break the plastic locator on the inside edge.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Miroslav Djuric

156683 Reputation


I Installed led brakes and thay don't flash when I push on the brake that bottom wire is unhooked was wondering if that ran to the brake switch was wondering how to hard wire it will it would work

Nathan -

My tail lights, brake lights stay on even after I have turn the key off and pulled it out of the keyhole. Is there a part that might be broken that could repair this. Any comments I would appreciate them. Thanks oh I did find little pieces on the floor and wondered what that part might be maybe under the drivers side where the spring is

LaDawn Berkey -

I have to take the cable off the battery or it goes dead. And the little part on the floor was kind of like a plastic washer with a little pointed top on it.

LaDawn Berkey -

Thanks Nathan. The part was broken into pieces. There is a little spring underneath the steering and, back in a little bit that I wondered if it broke off from that, which would make the break stay on.

LaDawn Berkey -