This guide shows how to change the oil and oil filter for Honda CR-V 2012-2016 models.
Keeping the engine healthy is critical in getting good life out of your vehicle. Part of maintaining engine health is replacing the oil and oil filter on a regular basis. Honda CR-V 2012-2016 models need to have their engine oil and oil filters replaced every 7,500 miles or 12 months. If your car has high mileage then it’s suggested to replace the oil with a high mileage full synthetic. Most parts and tools listed can be found at a local auto supply store or purchased from an auto supply store online.
Open the hood by pulling the hood latch.
Chock both back wheels with blocks of wood to prevent car from rolling.
Let the vehicle cool for 15 minutes if needed. Clean the area around the oil cap. Remove the oil cap.
Replace the drain bolt with a new drain bolt gasket (crush washer); Honda Washer, Drain Plug (14MM) 94109-14000. Use the 17mm socket wrench to tighten.
Install the new filter in place of the old filter. Hand tighten instead of using the oil filter wrench.
Start the vehicle, and check for any leaks around the oil filter and oil drain plug.
Stop the vehicle and let the engine rest for 5 minutes.
Use the dip stick to double check oil level and add more if needed.
Make sure the oil level is in between the low and high marks on the dip stick. Replace the dip stick and close the hood.
Reset the oil life in the maintenance section of the vehicle computer.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.