
This is a "quick and dirty" guide on how to add images to existing questions or answers.

    • Mouse-over Options on the top right corner of the Question field to reveal a dropdown menu.

    • Click on Edit to open the Edit Post page.

    • Before adding your image, position the cursor at the place in your text where you want to add the image. We suggest placing it at the end of the question.

    • Click on the image icon to open the Media Manager.

    • Click on Add Media and select files from your computer to upload.

    • Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop images into the Media Manager to upload them. If you did this, proceed directly to step 3.

  2. mOsDKuYecJnNhbZL
    • In the Add Media window, you can add images from the internet or your local machine.

    • To add images from your computer:

    • Click on the browse for files to find photos on your computer, or simply drag and drop them onto the window.

    • To add images from the internet:

    • Get the link to your desired image. You can usually do this by right-clicking the image and selecting Copy link address.

    • Paste the link into the field provided.

    • Click Grab Media to add the image to your Media Manager.

  3. lV11S4Ek3MoStkXn
    • Once the image is in your Media Manager, click on it to insert into your question.

    • The image should appear in-line at the spot where your cursor was positioned when you opened the Media Manager.

    • iFixit images show up in 4:3 format. Most modern cameras capture in 3:2 or 16:9, which will require a crop. If you change your capturing preferences when taking pictures to 4:3, you won't need to crop them in the Media Manager.

  4. dMgAEA1mwGyNpRKF
    • After inserting the image, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Preview Edit.

    • A preview will be automatically inserted below the fields for you to review.

    • If everything looks good, click Submit Edit. If not, scroll back up and adjust your question as necessary.


The image size for insertion must be 800 x 600 pixels otherwise there will be an error message in the Media Manager. It looks complicated, but is actually straightforward.


Member since: 29/09/10

733486 Reputation


I can believe, but must, that iFixit has made uploading images this difficult rather than they way it used to be done! What a bunch of putzes.

mayer -

Thanks to contributors. I was shocked when I had to look up how to do this.

Shelley -