
    • Remove the batteries.

    • Remove the plastic cover on the bottom. (On older models, this cover is not centered.)

    • Remove the small screw.

    • Use a flat blunt tool to loosen the ribbon cable clamp. To do this, pull the front part away from the rear part.

    • Pull out the ribbon cable.

    • Put the batteries back in (without screwing the cover on).

    • Push in the batteries to release the circuit board assembly.

    • Carefully pull out the circuit board assembly. Pay attention to the ribbon cable.

    • Soak the keyboard in alcohol (methylated spirits). It should be completely covered. Use an airtight container.

    • Keep moving the container to get the liquid everywhere.

    • Wait 24 hours

    • Take the keyboard out of the liquid and shake it out well.

    • CAUTION!! This step is not absolutely necessary!! Opening the keyboard further is only necessary if you want to gain access to the circuit paths.

    • The plastic cover on the back can now be easily detached. To do this, use a flat blunt tool to go into the gap and pry off the plastic cover. The alcohol has softened the glue.

    • Let the keyboard dry well. To speed up the process, you can put it into the sun.

    • Put the parts back together in reverse order. When installing the circuit board unit, make sure that you pull the ribbon cable to the side.

Sebastian Reindl

Member since: 02/05/20

268 Reputation