If you are having difficulties connecting to the internet and find that your wireless card is affecting your connectivity, this guide will help you in replacing the wireless-n card.
Use a Phillips #0 screwdriver to remove the ten 3mm Phillips head screws on the base of the laptop.
Pull up on the two metal tabs attached to the card .
Unscrew the single 2mm Phillips #0 screw in the top right hand corner.
Once finished, follow prerequisite guide in reverse order to finish your repair.
My Asus Q501L laptop cannot start the wifi card despite having updated the driver and restarting. Troubleshooting returns error Code 10. Did you experience or know how to resolve this problem?
Tony Ly -
Hey there Tony,
I would recommend first checking the status of the hardware device first. You can view a device's status from the device's Properties in Device Manager. It is possible that the driver is corrupted even though it is “updated” fully and could be causing the issue. If so, remove and reinstall the drivers for the device. It could also be that the WiFi card has a hardware issue. There isn’t really anything I know of that you can do besides just replacing it if that’s the case. If it’s new it might be under warrantee but who knows. Unfortunately Code 10 errors are pretty vague and don’t really give a lot of information. Hope this helps.