
    • Make sure you disconnect the charger before starting this guide.

    • Pick out all 11 rubber plugs off of the back cover with a pair of tweezers.

    Since you use tweezers, I would indicate that here. Also, make sure the markup coincides with the color of the bullets (the markup should be red).

    Alex Watkins -

    • Using the Phillips #0 screwdriver, unscrew all 12 screws on the back of the laptop.

    • There is one 5.2 mm screw under the rubber plug in the middle.

    Note that you don’t need a comma between 12 and 5.2, and screwdriver is one word. I would also make a separate bullet for the information bullet. Since it’s different, I would also use a different color markup (orange).

    Alex Watkins -

    • Pull up the rubber seal and the service cover will come off.

    How do you pull off the rubber seal? Lift gently? Yank? etc. Remove is a good verb if there’s only one way to remove (e.g., screws), but it’s unclear if there are multiple ways to do something. Also, I would like to see more detail regarding how to unlatch the optical drive. Which tools should be used? Do you have a picture where you’re doing this?

    Alex Watkins -

  4. 1JDEkOA1wK2NSdOd
    • Using the Phillips #00 screwdriver, unscrew the six 5.2 mm screws under the service cover.

  5. Zf1RJQLXXywvB4x6
    • Using your hands, pull the optical drive out.

  6. RiYol2QGfHxrHyXi
    • Use the iFixit Opening Tool to pry apart the back panel from the main body of the laptop.

    • Start from the front side of the laptop and then continue to the side for easier access.

    What is the front side of the laptop? I think this could be clearer.

    Alex Watkins -

  7. 1VYLpUfaO3mx6Qde
    • Slowly pull out the keyboard while lifting it about an inch.

    • There are cables attached to the keyboard and motherboard. DO NOT lift it more than 2 inches above the laptop.

    Can you use a stronger verb here? It looks like the picture is more than an inch. Also, it seems like you lift up the keyboard, rather than pulling it out. Check subject-verb agreement in the caution bullet, and since there’s no markup, just use a black bullet.

    Alex Watkins -

  8. YtKcAX6tKtAmvSmO
    • Using an ESD safe tool, detach all 3 ribbon cables. To do so, lift up the cable up and out.

    Make sure to use an ESD safe tool here.

    Alex Watkins -

  9. w66DeDeOaGlv5ykw
    • Once the cables are detached, lift the keyboard about 2 inches up and remove it from the rest of the body.

    • Make sure that the screen is open like the photo. This will ensure that none your laptop components will not be bent.

    I’m confused here—since the connectors are disconnected, couldn’t I just lift out the keyboard? It seems like that’s what the picture is showing.

    Alex Watkins -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Rebecca Mu

Member since: 16/09/19

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