This guide will allow you to safely replace the LCD panel of your BlackBerry Z30 unit.
Use a plastic tool to carefully switch up the LCD ribbon holder
Detach the LCD from the main board
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
This YouTube video by ItsmeJC also helped a lot.
I had difficulties when trying to re-insert and re-lock the ribbon in place, but it turned out that I overlooked and missed the fact that the ribbon should go under the ribbon holder, not between it and the "fixing switch". Otherwise, the procedure was a snap.
After screen replacement I'm having proximity sensor issues. screen is responsive and everything works good but its flashing on and off. disconnecting the proximity sensor fixes the issue but it's also the same connection as lock button so not an option. reinstalling original screen works as normal, new screen is original manufacture and has the same foam gaskets and uv filters as original around the prox sensor...
any thoughts?
Andrew -
Hi Andrew,
Beware, some sellers claims their screens are original but they are not. The few times the issue you have discribed occured to me where when the LCD unit was defective. Please arrange an exchange with your seller if you can. The fact that when you put back your shattered screen and it works is the proof that your new unit is defective.
Good luck.
Hans -
Pricing for the BlackBerry Z 30 screen? As well as the availability?