Open the silicone covers slowly. The're fixed with double faced adhesive tape.
In the worst case: You damage the covers. It's very hard to damage the flash at this step
Remove the screws on the bottom of the flash-head
Remove all 8 screws which holds the outer case on the joint.
Open the head slowly - attention with the cables
Remove the flash unit
Remember: Electric parts!
Remove the 4 screws of the holding plate.
You need to remove the plastic film - don't worry you can stick it back when you're ready and it holds fine.
Now you're ready to install the panel
Hold it in the position (just to check that everything is correct and fit in the head.
Hold the diffusing discs while you plug the top and bottom together
stick a little piece of double faced adhesive tape to the silicone covers
Both covers have those tiny silicone pins and the fitting hole for alignment
I hope this guide is helpful enough.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Great guide! Thank you so much for helping me fix my flash! I didn't need additional adhesive tape as it went back with the remainders of the original one and seems to hold up well. I would highly recommend using magnetic screwdriver as I had issues with those small screws going back into the tiny places they belong to. Otherwise, it was an easy fix!
PS watch out for that push button. It has a tendency to jump out :)
Thanks a lot. I can only agree with the comment on magnetic screwdrivers.
Also, notice that there are two types of screws: flat head and countersunk head. They also differ slightly in length.
I had a lot of trouble with wires getting stuck but a few tries and some care help.
Further, when assembling the push button and the rotating mechanisms I needed to pay attention to two tiny taps that fit into one of the two clamshells.
Finally, the tiny switch sensing the diffusing disc panel needed to be seated in two holes. I managed to assemble the flash only to discover that the sensing didn't work.
I hope these comments will help others.
Oh my gosh..I can't believe I actually did this..when I got the cover off, the 'push' button and spring popped off. I thought I just ought to quit while I was barely ahead. I did take it all apart- the instructions were fabulous-the screws I put in ordered piles...apparently they're not the same. I replaced the diffuser only really goes one way..put all screws back- replaced the batteries, and wa la- it worked. THANK YOU a million times over. Pam
Pam Dose -