
If your Craig Electronics CMP773 battery is failing and needs replaced, this replacement guide will inform you of the steps to take when performing the replacement. Make sure you have the right tools before beginning this procedure.

  1. ARKYfDjCvytGJK5g
    • Remove the two 3.2 mm PH000 screws near the charging port.

  2. pFBCcgpivVtYUnRA
    • Pry the back cover from the device along the bottom edge.

  3. 2XNf4hHCFppYrZEx
    • Continue prying along the edge of the device until the back cover is free.

  4. NvokSHcKM1FA5Uxs
    • Pry the battery free from the device using a plastic opening tool.

  5. dDdEJSTvtaArjCtq
    • Desolder the faulty battery wires.

  6. PnUh3WL1two3cusX
    • Solder the replacement battery wires to the circuit board.

  7. KXDEOLJ5EFT5ds2f
    • Apply adhesive between the replacement battery and the device before installation.


Once the above steps have been successfully competed, power on the device. Enjoy your newly replaced battery.

Jacob Hampton

Member since: 26/03/18

145 Reputation