
I phoned D-Link tech support several times, and they eventually concluded my device was broken, but I got it fixed.

My D-Link dhp w306av would do nothing but blink it's blue (WPS/ENY) LED. None of the support people could fix it with any kind of reset. This is what I managed to do.

  1. IsaYvTRlUkcREkib
    • (With router unpluged, and no ethernet cable attched) Turn the router on (push in the power button on the side) remember it's not plugged into the wall yet.

  2. FYjPDkxcHnjJPowN
    • Take a pin or micro screwdriver and push in and hold the reset button.

    • Still holding the reset button plug the router into a power outlet.

    • Keep holding down the reset button for at least 15 seconds.

    • If you have the same luck I did your green lights on the side will start to cycle and light up.

    • Now you can go back to your quick install guide that came with the router and set it up again.


hope it works for you


Member since: 24/08/13

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