
Behold the iClicker. This learning device is used in some college classrooms to help make the learning process more interactive. Course instructors can ask multiple choice questions and students can respond by pressing the button that corresponds to the answer they desire.

    • Behold the iclicker in all its interactive and educational beauty.

  2. QIieI52UspCyhCyI
    • Place the device on a flat surface, buttons facing down.

    • Remove the battery cover and the three batteries within.

  3. JylfLulMhYyLvQmL
    • Remove the two visible screws using a #00 Phillips screwdriver.

    • Oops! Don't forget a hidden third screw beneath the factory label.

    • Peel back the corner of the label to reveal the hidden screw.

    • If you wish to maintain the integrity of the label, a blowdryer may be used to soften the adhesive on the label before removal.

  4. AVt6erJkgIniPpQp
    • Depending on how much abuse your iclicker has endured, you might be able to separate the front and rear panels of the iclicker with your fingers.

    • For the more resistent iclickers, a spudger may be employed to separate the pieces.

  5. GDlbTlHBrmvhjVMB
    • Your iclicker is now exposed for all its worth.

    • The back panel can be set aisde, as the remaining components are housed in the front panel.

  6. dIBMGfaWqXSYDdwR
    • Using a spudger, gently pry the battery connectors from the front panel.

  7. BUggeSWAmO2WGnL5
    • If your circuit board is stuck in the front panel, use a spudger to lift the circuit board from the front panel.

  8. 1vmKqEyXX5AMXGVi
    • The buttons can be easily removed from the front assembly sans spudger.

  9. HRVKfUCvUyYSPh2m
    • Don't lose the small LED cover sitting precariously in the front panel.

  10. aTFgr6PVLQSH4oNO
    • Your iclicker is now disassembled.

Brady Cabe

2740 Reputation

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What is an iClicker ?

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