
These videos provide instructions on how to replace the group head gasket and screen for the Gaggia Classic Espresso Machine.

  1. This video shows the parts in the <a href="../../home/external_content?url=http%3A//" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Gaggia Classic Repair Kit.</a>
  2. This video shows the tools needed for the Gaggia Classic Repair.
    • This video shows the tools needed for the Gaggia Classic Repair.

  3. This video shows how to prepare the Gaggia Classic for the repair.
    • This video shows how to prepare the Gaggia Classic for the repair.

  4. This video shows how to remove the old parts from the Gaggia Classic espresso machine.
    • This video shows how to remove the old parts from the Gaggia Classic espresso machine.

  5. This video shows how to install the new Gaggia Classic parts once the old parts are removed.
    • This video shows how to install the new Gaggia Classic parts once the old parts are removed.


Please let us know if you need assistance with the repair of your machine.


Member since: 25/09/09

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