The camera glass of my Pixel 7 is shattered. It seems to be a typical problem of the Pixel7. The cameras and the sensors are still intact. Unfortunately, Google refuses to repair it so far and does not provide any tips. Google unfortunately does not offer a repair of the glass. The only option is to repair the entire back for €213. Fortunately, there are matching protective glasses available for purchase that are cut to fit exactly.
The camera glass of my Pixel 7 is shattered. It seems to be a typical problem of the Pixel7. The cameras and the sensors are still intact. Unfortunately, Google so far refuses to repair it and does not provide any tips. Google unfortunately does not offer a repair of the glass. The only option is to repair the entire back for €213. Fortunately, there are matching protective glasses that are cut to fit exactly.
Remove the broken glass carefully with a cutter knife
Carefully remove the broken glass with a cutter knife
Carefully clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth. Be careful of any glass fragments that may be present.
Carefully clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth. Be careful with any glass shards that may be present.
I would now skip this step, because the additional glass causes too many problems due to the adhesive and clouds the picture. Insert the cut protective glass with the adhesive side up (unfortunately, if the adhesive layer is facing the camera, the picture will be blurry).
Insert the protective glass with the adhesive side up (unfortunately, if the adhesive layer is facing the camera, the image will be blurry).
Put on a full-surface glass protector. Make sure that no dust collects between the glasses.
Put on a full-surface glass protector. Make sure that no dust collects between the glasses.
Follow the steps in reverse order to reassemble your device
Moin, könntest du mir nen link zukommen lassen wo du das Kameraglas her hast?
Hi, beide Gläser sind von Amazon, leider ist das untere, passende Glas momentan nicht lieferbar. Zudem habe ich leider feststellen müssen, dass die Klebeschicht die Qualität negativ beeinflusst. Ich versuche aktuell die Schicht zu entfernen, habe aber noch kein geeignetes Mittel gefunden.
I did find a link on Amazon (Canadian one) that had the actual lense. It also states in the ad that it doesn't involve taking apart my phone, just do what you did in a sense. I'll post the link for you to check it out if you can and would like to. I'll update you on how it goes for me.
It is a big issues. I am also facing same problem I can't replace it because in my country there is no pixel store .