
This guide will show users how to replace a Yo-Yo String. This guide is suitable for all Yo-Yo's.

Before starting this guide, clear out a flat surface to work on restringing your Yo-Yo.

There are no tools needed for this guide but your hands. Sharp objects are not recommended as you could potentially damage the string.

One will find this guide to be necessary if your Yo-Yo does not run smoothly or if it’s visible that your string is damaged. The cause for restringing could also be for aesthetic purposes, such as colour.

Please see the link to Amazon in the parts section if you’d like to buy a set of high quality strings for future replacements.

  1. Qj2uYtEjpF6IeuHN
    • Unscrew one half of the Yo-Yo from the other by twisting them in opposing directions.

  2. VksrQL1UjSoUyEZe
    • Analyze the current state of the string.

    • If the string is worn out, you must determine whether or not you want to put it back in place and keep using the Yo-Yo till the string fully breaks or replace the string right away.

    • If the string is damaged beyond repair, then get your new string ready.

  3. 4Yx6UPOgcYP3YiTT
    • Find the end of the string that does not have a knot tied around it. This end of the string is the finger hole.

    • We are not interested in this end. You will know you have the right end if you can smoothly run a finger along the string.

    • Pull at the threading, making a hole that is just big enough to fit onto the ball bearing.

    • Avoid creating a hole that is bigger than necessary, it’s good practice to do so.

  5. GusY1oMaV1FKFaL6
    • Place the hole over the bearing, allowing the string to rest on the half of the Yo-Yo with the ball bearing.

  6. xUvDJeapZrRAsV2b
    • Hold the half with the ball bearing with one hand and gently tug on the string with your other hand.

    • This will ensure that the placement of the string is secure.

  7. mYkJBnYe1oA2mckp
    • Screw the halves back together firmly, making sure that they are aligned correctly.

    • You shouldn't make the halves tighter than 'hand-tight'. This is good for you and the Yo-Yo so you won't have much trouble trying to open it up.

  8. sOMfdr45bjVGLwJy
    • Wind up your Yo-Yo and try do a trick to ensure that you’ve done a good job in restringing your Yo-Yo. Now you can enjoy your ‘Yo-Yoing’!


After following these steps, you will have successfully restrung your Yo-Yo.

Mark Amirthanathan

Member since: 19/01/21

181 Reputation