
Like most devices that use a Lithium-ion battery, Chromebook batteries continuously degrade over time. This is typically a result of the fundamental chemistry of the battery, which gives rise to unavoidable chemical reactions which take place inside the battery during runtime. As time goes on, these chemical reactions become less effective; as a result, the battery cannot provide as much power as it used to. Chrome OS does have a way of checking to see if the battery is operating at peak capacity, and can be used to tell if the battery needs to be replaced.

    • From your Desktop use the key combination Ctrl + Alt + T

    • In the CROSH terminal type in battery_test [< test length >]

    • The test length is measured in seconds. if no number is put in, then the test length will default to 300 seconds.


This command is extremely useful for determining if your Chromebook's battery is operating at peak performance, of if there is an issue with the battery.

Jacob Mehnert

Member since: 18/10/21

15589 Reputation