
This is a guide to fix the E-Paper tearing in Pebble 301BL devices.

*this will void the warranty for the device*

  1. WqaEQfhUgQPJtE1H
    • This is a guide to fix the E-Paper tearing in Pebble 301BL devices.

    • The Pebble Kickstarter Edition doesn't have screws, it is glued and therefore not repairable without permanent damage.

  2. MlwrZoUC2MVuOfVU
    • Using a T5 Torx screwdriver, remove the 4 screws on the back.

    • When removing the back cover be very gentle! The rumble motor may be adhered to the cover so you must pry it away.

    • iFixit T5 Torx screwdriver

  3. 6VW2ieUb2NhpvdEJ
    • Locate the video connector near the bottom, right next to the device that vibrates when you get a notification.

    • During normal use, this cable becomes loose and creates the tearing effect.

    • In the next step, you will be shown a way to apply pressure to this and keep it constantly connected.

    The rumble pack ( Circle silver bit on the bottom right ) is glued to the top of the backplate. Use a spudger to ply it from there as you could damage the cord connected to it if you pull it away with the backplate.

    Jayden Waters -

    Dieser Konnektor ist NICHT der Video Konnektor! Er ist die Verbindung zu dem umlaufenden Flexkabel mit den Tastern.

    Der Video Konnektor ist ein Gummistreifen am unteren Rand der Platine, der zwischen Platine und Display liegt.

    Bei Darstellungsproblemen hilft es meist, diesen Gummistreifen herauszunehmen und ihn um 180° gedreht wieder einzulegen.

    freak 1704 -

  4. mEAHNajQqUleVPTx
    • What worked for me is taking a little toilet tissue or paper towel and placing it over the video connector.

    • One way to test that this will help is by holding a finger on it and cycling through the menus.

    • Nothing inside the device will catch the paper on fire, so there is nothing to worry about.

    • Once you have confirmed that the paper will apply the necessary pressure, you can then put the screws back in.

    • If the case doesn't seem to close properly as it did before, do not keep on trying to tighten the screw down; you will strip the screw.

    • If the case doesn't close properly, you will need to open the device back up and remove a tiny bit of the paper until it does close, that way it will retain its water resistance.

  6. Here is an example of the final result.
    • Here is an example of the final result.

    Thanks, this was a real life saver. Worked like a charm, and the rapid delivery on the tools was great.


    Monte Stettin -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Benjamin Cunliffe

Member since: 19/06/13

1770 Reputation


This guide sadly only works for the revised model. The kickstarter edition had no screws in the back and have to be pried open from the screen, making the repair next to impossible without badly damaging de case or/and the screen.

gabrielcbnetto -

Would something like the iopener work for that? Have had just about every model bar the original ks edition so im not sure myself.

Jayden Waters -

It is possible with heat and a ton of patients. Took a buddy of mine a whole afternoon to open it. Once he had the connector reseated, he actually used a of some sort to hold it in place instead so he wouldn't have to have the whole Pebble stuffed. Then he used the same putty/glue to help seal the watch shut. I'll see if he'll tell me what it was.

Zach Hillebrant -

"To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order." .... so take it apart again and remove the tissue?

mlvezie -

I see you are trying to be funny.

In case you were serious: no do not remove the tissue.

Benjamin Cunliffe -

That connector isn't video, it's the antenna and buttons. The display is actually not physically connected to the board.

Maou Kiero -

Perfect ! Worked for me ! I had a revised version & the paper did the trick ! Thx

Christian -

This astoundingly simple procedure revived my dear pebble; works like a charm!

Janos Bekesi -

I was very worried I had finally lost this thing after all these years. Nope, I cut a sticky note up and folded it up since I felt a little more neat. Works like a charm!

Ivan Hudson -