
Did you notice a loose string hanging from the bottom of your favorite shirt, only to realize that the hem ripped? If so, this is the perfect guide to fix your problem.

  1. GL4DEHGTd4sEoQIi
    • Turn your shirt inside out.

    • Find your shirt's ripped hem.

    • If the shirt has any loose strings, trim them.

  2. 3IQKMEYkLcFphsgU
    • Iron the area of the shirt where the hem is ripped.

    • If the hem is ripped several inches, you might want to insert sewing pins to keep the fabric in place.

    • It's important to iron because it allows for easier sewing when the shirt stays folded the same way as the non-ripped part of the hem.

    • The iron will be very hot. Be careful as to not burn yourself.

  3. hyeCAMSIrkgpXMjW
    • Acquire a sewing needle and thread.

    • Take your thread and loop it through the eye of the needle, the hole at the end of the needle.

    • You'll want the thread to be the same color and shade as the original thread. For visual purposes, I will use red in place of black.

    • The needle is sharp.

  4. yT3eed1DwNCHAnOJ
    • Pull the thread through the needle so that there is an equal length on each side of the needle.

    • Tie the end of the thread together by making a knot.

    • Making an additional knot over the first makes it more secure.

  5. 52XqOPRIQlad6jBa
    • Starting on the inside of the shirt, poke the needle through toward the side that is right-side-out.

    • Sew over the original thread for about half an inch to ensure that it's thread won't rip again.

  6. 2mZPFci3uVH3sC1c
    • Once the needle and thread is pulled through the side that is right-side-out, you will push it back through as close to the original hole as you can.

    • Doing this will make the visible hem as hidden as possible.

  7. Vc5KxGSDC1cddOZE
    • When you're back on the inside of the hem, make the next stitch a couple millimeters over and diagonal from the first.

  8. bghgkH6Td2NAZrCb
    • Continue this pattern so that the inside has diagonal stitches, and the outside has small, staggered dots.

  9. s4FtBKeJpeMNNNJy
    • Finish sewing the hem. Make sure the last stitch is on the inside of the shirt.

    • Make a knot where you intend for the pattern to stop.

    • It's important to tie the knot as close to the fabric as possible. Doing this secures the stitching.

  10. SRtXtVuJsnZxBSJx
    • Cut off excess thread.

Kaitlyn Adams

Member since: 29/09/15

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