Having a leather sofa is an expensive essential you wouldn’t want to lose or have to throw away because of a reparable tear. Yet, it is not very common for people to know what to do in these situations since a leather couch sounds difficult to mend even though it is not. This is an effective technique that only requires a few materials and a basic sewing technique to get your sofa back in shape.
Measure the length and width of the tear to determine how much subpatch will be needed.
Add an extra 1 cm border to each side.
Cut the subpatch according to the measurements.
Place the sub patch in the hole right behind the tear.
Position the sub patch to have 1 cm of excess cloth behind the border of the tear, so the thread can adhere to it.
Make a few stitches to secure the patch in place.
Once the patch is stable and dry, use a spatula to apply the leather repair filler in the crevice until you have an even surface.
Use sandpaper to smoothen and even out the surface once it's dry.
Use the sandpaper to remove any excess filler or wipe it off with alcohol on a damp washcloth.