
We all have that favorite shirt that we can’t bear to live without. If you don’t have the funds to buy a new shirt, don’t want to spend the money, or just want to try your hand at an easier sewing project, this is the guide for you. If your shirt feels too loose, you may qualify for a neckline repair.

Shirts can become worn over time due to the extended use of hangers or as a result of being stretched. The threads that were once used to hold them together can even become inelastic and snap. It’s completely common! Without requiring much sewing experience, this guide will show you a neat hand-sewing fix for the neckline of a loose T-Shirt. By using just two lengthy elastic threads, any old shirt can be reborn!

Before you begin, it’s important to note that sewing by hand (especially for the first time) increases the chances of making the neckline of the shirt too tight. Step 4 covers a good practice to consider when fixing the neckline to avoid making it too tight.

  1. RFAvpGuQpWOmA624
    • Turn the shirt inside out and cut a long strip of thread.

    • Use a bit more thread than you think is necessary since you can always cut any excess thread. I used about three feet of thread, but it depends on the shirt!

  2. Al26xFvLcSd1fLmB
    • Once you cut your string, thread it through the sewing needle. Bring both of the ends together and get ready to use both strands to tie a knot.

    • Flip your shirt inside-out and start threading your needle in and out of the top of the neckline.

    • As shown in the second picture, avoid poking the needle all the way through to the other side! There's a thin pocket inside of the neckline, so be sure to weave the needle and thread through one side only.

  4. bNxHRoTUR3Pldvey
    • As you thread your needle throughout the neckline, be sure to pull the thread completely through each hole that you make. Repeat this process around the neckline until you reach your starting point.

    • To tighten the neckline, hold down on the shirt itself as you go along and pull on the needle-end of the thread. This will cause the fabric of the shirt to bunch up.

    • You want the fabric to bunch up only slightly, otherwise it'll be too tight for you to stick your head through. Try to find a good balance!

  5. 6D16yKSYb1WDtg3r
    • After going around once, tie together the ends that you started and finished with. Tying only one knot leaves a good amount of room for it to snap, so tie two additional knots for a total of three overhand knots to strengthen it.

  6. 2ANw542fhuJcZSV3
    • Cut off any excess thread that you're left with after tying the threads together. Leave about a quarter of an inch of excess thread and be sure not to cut the knot itself.

  7. 11mqxrW55fvWbxCg
    • Start running your thread through the top, exactly as you did with the bottom.

  8. oKd6JtWU6tsLKMeP
    • Try to keep the spacing between each hole that you thread as similar to the bottom, and remember only to move the needle through one side.

    • Once you complete the top, bring the beginning and end of the threads together and tie three overhand knots as you did before. Then, cut the extra thread once more, leaving about a quarter of an inch of said thread.

  9. exrWK2n6SD1jHyF5
    • After completing the top, you're finished! Your neckline should be noticeably tighter. Once you slip your head through the hole, it's going to feel and quite possibly look like a whole new shirt.

    • If the thread feels too tight, you may want to consider cutting the thread and threading it again, since attempting to jam your head through like I did may cause the threads to break.


Give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve breathed new life into an aged shirt!

Noah Aguilar

Member since: 28/10/20

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